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<cat>editing</cat> Markdown: ```markdown \`\`\`lua function print( values ) player.say( "hello" .. values ) end \`\`\` ``` Result: ```lua function print( values ) player.say( "hello" .. values ) end ``` ## Languages We can expand this list as we need to, but right now the supported languages are: * lua * csharp * html * markdown If you don't define the language it'll use the site default (for example, under gmod it's lua). If you don't define the language it'll use the site default (for example, under gmod it's lua).⤶ ## Highlight test (Lua)⤶ ⤶ ```lua⤶ nil false true ...⤶ var = "\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\\\"\'"⤶ var = 'alo\n123"'⤶ var = "alo\n123\""⤶ var = '\97lo\10\04923"'⤶ var = [[alo⤶ 123"]]⤶ var = [==[⤶ alo⤶ 123"]==]⤶ 3 3.0 3.1416 314.16e-2 0.31416E1 0xff 0x56⤶ ⤶ var = { [f(1)] = g; "x", "y"; x = 1, f(x), [30] = 23; 45 }⤶ ⤶ 1 + 1 < 1 - 1 <= 1 * 1 > 1 / 1 >= 1 ^ 1 == 1 % 1 ~= 1 .. 1 != (#1 and -1 or not 1)⤶ break⤶ return⤶ continue⤶ goto Name⤶ ::Name::⤶ do block end⤶ while exp do block end⤶ repeat block until exp⤶ if exp then block elseif exp then block else block end⤶ for Name = exp, exp, exp do block end⤶ for namelist in explist do block end⤶ function funcname(parlist, ...) block end⤶ function obj:funcname(parlist, ...) block end⤶ function tbl.funcname(parlist, ...) block end⤶ function tbl.tbl.funcname(parlist, ...) block end⤶ function chat.AddText(parlist, ...) block end⤶ local function Name(parlist, ...) block end ⤶ local namelist = explist;⤶ funcname(parlist, ...)⤶ obj:funcname(parlist, ...)⤶ tbl.funcname(parlist, ...)⤶ chat.AddText(parlist, ...)⤶ tbl.tbl.funcname(parlist, ...)⤶ ```