Wiki Help

Bugs And Requests

Bugs & Requests

On this page you can report bugs & make requests.


Copy one of the following templates & paste it at the start of the list.

⭢ Set the item number ( #0XX ) to latest + 1
⭢ Update the latest number
⭢ Write a Title & Description
⭢ Set Author to your Facepunch username


### #0XX | Title **Type:** Request **By:** Author > Description <br/> --- <br/>


⭢ Specify your operating system & browser

### #0XX | Title **Type:** Bug **By:** Author **Browser:** Google Chrome , Firefox , Edge 123.0.6312.86 **System:** Windows 11 , Kubuntu 23.10 > Description <br/> --- <br/>


Latest : #026

#026 | Fancy type support for `<item>`

Type: Request
By: Lexic


If you do something like <item name="filter" type="Entity|table<Entity>|table<string>|function" default="nil"> you get this:


while I hoped it would look like this:


#025 | Broken Syntax Highlighting

Type: Bug
By: Phonedroid

Browser: N/A
System: N/A

  • Single quotes in html code ( editor ) aren't highlighted in red as it's double quote counter parts.
  • Adding spaces between attribute keys & values breaks syntax highlighing.

Both of these case are part of standard html syntax
( and are processed without problem ), as such they
should be highlighted correctly as well.

Broken Syntax

#024 | Layout & Alignment Options

Type: Request
By: Phonedroid

Add an option to allow tables or in general content be
aligned a certain way, this could be combined with the
idea from A1steaksa for multi-column layouts.

The content inside should of course still
be able to use any existing markdown syntax.

<layout align="left" > | Header | Header | |:------:|:------:| | Left aligned | Table | </layout>
  • Approach is backwards compatible
  • Layout by itself acts as box and can have an optional alignment property

Extended: ( Multi-column )

<layout> <column align="right" > Left Column with right alignment </column> <column align="center" > Right Column with center alignment </column> </layout>
  • Layout acts as multi-column if any <column> tag is present
  • Column count is defined by the amount of <column> tags
  • Columns can optionally specify their own alignment

#023 | Text , Shell & CFG Command Syntax Highlighting

Type: Request
By: Phonedroid

It would be helpful to have syntax highlighting for generic text blocks
as well as shell syntax highlighting for server related pages where
steamcmd commands, parameters, .. are shown.

Same thing for cfg files ..

#022 | Generated section use <h1>

Type: Bug
By: Phonedroid

Browser: N/A
System: N/A

Section generated such as Methods have <h1> instead of at least <h2>

Generated from the <type> tag but similarly also from <function> & <panel> , ..


#019 | Optional Placeholder Change Message

Type: Request
By: Phonedroid

Allow users to switch disable the default change message
( Minor Change ) and instead only show it as a placeholder.

Change Mock

I'm only suggesting to make this a setting as some have
voiced that they prefer the default for small changes.

⭢ Setting could contain the default change message
⭢ Would also enable users to set their preferred default change message

Useful because it:

  • prevents accidental commits as the user has to fill in the change message
  • makes users write more meaningful change messages

#018 | Ability to change rust main categories.

Type: Request
By: FreshlyBrewed

I would like to re-organize the main category tabs to better suit the expanding wiki. For example: Instead of having "The World" in the "Playing" category I would rather have it be its own main category. Let me know if I can't get the permission and instead have to submit the requested changes.

#017 | Expose Rust's item icons to the page editor

Type: Request
By: 0nyx

I couldn't figure out how to "properly" update the icon for the Landmine (now Handmade Landmine) which in-game recently received a new model and icon as well as a slight name / desc. change. Apparently Rust's item icons do have their own style subclass defined but it isn't exposed in or handled by the wiki's markdown editor at all, so I can neither change the img src to the new icon, nor can I manually replace it by removing it and uploading / embedding the new image. - 0nyx 4/9/2022

#016 | s&box Categories

Type: Request
By: NotGaylien

just a couple i think make sense

  • Animgraph Category - There is a lot to know about this stuff with no place to put it
  • Extra Tools - for things like the inspector, post-processing editor and such, so we have a place to put them

#015 | Moderation

Type: Request
By: Trojaner

Get some trusted volunteers as mods for the wiki so they can get rid of pages like "HowToGetAKey" quickly and lock pages that are too heated. Ban obvious trolls like roblox34.

#014 | Create a dedicated requests / bugs system

Type: Request
By: Repaler

A dedicated requests / bugs system (similar to that on github) would allow the raiser of the issue to be notified when it has been fixed, and will allow you at Facepunch to delegate people to deal with the raised issue and communicate with the original poster, as well as highlight any existing posts that have been created to stop people from posting the same issue over-and-over. Also, it will stop keyboard warriors from getting the markup wrong and messing it up.

#013 | Add back in TAB to search

Type: Request
By: Repaler

Upon moving forums, the press Tab to search in the chrome browser hasn't been implemented.

#012 | <appendedenums> wasn't implemented

Type: Bug
By: Spar

<appendedenums> exists on this page but still confuses new devs because enums aren't actually appended.

#011 | Make ability to create PageList depending on the content of the page

Type: Request
By: Spar

Some pages should be mentioned on specific page but they currently you can't create a list of all pages depending on the content of the page.

#010 | Make if search has one result you can go to this page by hitting enter

Type: Request
By: Spar

If you search for a page and you typed exactly its name you still have to move your mouse and click the page to open it. Make it open by hitting enter.

#009 | Make Random page button

Type: Request
By: Spar

Random page is useful to test your knowledge or find new stuff. Suggested icons: mdi-dice-5-outline or mdi-dice-multiple-outline.

#008 | Allow us to make categories

Type: Request
By: TomatoSoup

Either permit us to make Categories manually or upgrade the wiki so that we can put one page under multiple categorizes, so we can get pages like Predicted Hooks back.

#007 | Implement a basic template page for Rust Wiki.

Type: Request
By: TheHyoid

With Rust having a lot of items and various craftable things within the game, there is a lot of information to be displayed in tables etc. However, there is no set standard for displaying this information on the Rust Wiki and I have seen it done several different ways. I think it would be beneficial to include an unlisted page with a template for contributors to follow.

#006 | I can't edit my profile here, because character " - " is disallowed in display names :(

Type: Bug and or Request
By: karl-police

Browser: Google Chrome Version 90.0.4430.93 System: Windows 10 64-Bit

On this page the page was changed, and it doesn't allow - in display names anymore. And I wanna keep the - it is literally in my current display name and harmless. But because of that I can't update my avatar anymore and that makes me sad. It has been turned into something pixelated, this feels like my profile picture was personally attacked.

Can this please get fixed? :)

#005 | Own Templates?

Type: Request
By: karl-police

Own Templates like in MediaWiki?

#004 | Bug | Can't write # at the END of headers

Type: Request
By: karl-police

Browser: Google Chrome Version 90.0.4430.93 System: Windows 10 64-Bit

I can't write # at the end of headers.

## Bug: Can't write # at the END of headers #

#003 | Linking to another wiki doesn't change the page's styling or sidebar

Type: Bug
By: Tom.bat

Clicking a link that references another wiki (eg: you're in wiki help, link references the rust wiki) will open the page but under the current wiki site you are on, so the sidebar won't update and the styling of the page that was opened will be the styling of the wiki you were on before.

Examples of this can be seen here: About This Wiki page Bug report on underscores in page titles

Web browser: Chrome Latest

#002 | Adding ability to redirect pages to different pages.

Type: Request
By: TheHyoid

I can edit the page itself and I modify the title of the page, but this does not update the URL.

I assume this does not update the URL by design. However, in order to rename pages like this, the ability for redirects would need to be added. For example, I think should redirect to Of course, the power to redirect or rename pages is fairly impactful, but necessary to maintain an organized wiki.

#001 | Return names are not extra bold like unlike arguments.

Type: Bug
By: Tom.bat

This page is an example, where you can see that the return name is not extra bold like arguments