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<title>AnimEvents, AnimGraph Tags, Attachments</title> <cat>Model.Animation</cat> ##What are AnimEvents? [AnimEvents](AnimEvents,_AnimGraph_Tags,_and_Attachments#animevents) are used in **ModelDoc** as a way to make something happen during a specific frame of a **Simple Animation**, most commonly used to: * [Play **Sounds**](AnimEvents,_AnimGraph_Tags,_and_Attachments#soundevents) * [Create **Particles**](AnimEvents,_AnimGraph_Tags,_and_Attachments#particleevents) * [Switch **Bodygroups**](AnimEvents,_AnimGraph_Tags,_and_Attachments#bodygroupevents) * [Add dynamic **Foot Steps**](AnimEvents,_AnimGraph_Tags,_and_Attachments#footstepevents) * [Run **Code** in your game](AnimEvents,_AnimGraph_Tags,_and_Attachments#runcodewithgenericevents) ##What are AnimGraph Tags? [Animgraph Tags](AnimEvents,_AnimGraph_Tags,_and_Attachments#animgraphtags) are used inside an **AnimGraph** to communicate with itself. You can specify the *start* and *end* of when a Tag is active inside individual **Animation Clips**, most commonly used to: * [Be a **Condition** in State Machines](AnimEvents,_AnimGraph_Tags,_and_Attachments#tagconditioninastatemachine) * [Run **Code** in your game](AnimEvents,_AnimGraph_Tags,_and_Attachments#runcodewithtags) #Attachments An **Attachment** is a point, similar to bones, but created in ModelDoc, and is required for many functions that need a position, like most AnimEvents. ###Creating Attachments in ModelDoc: 1. Press <key>✙Add</key>, add an `Attachment` and name it. 2. Select which **Bone** will be its parent, this is the bone it will follow. <note>You can select "*None*", this will instead use the origin of the model.</note> 3. Position the attachment *(you can use the various gizmos in the top left to aid you).* <upload src="a4aaf/8dad9599234e029.png" size="5436" name="image.png" /> This should be the final result *(**mouth** is the attachment)*: <upload src="a4aaf/8dad959bd99e5e1.png" size="393942" name="image.png" /> <note>The `RED` arrow indicates forward, while the **BLUE** arrow is up, make sure they are correct by rotating the attachment in the node itself.</note> #AnimEvents To add an AnimEvent *Right Click* a **Simple Animation** node, and select `Add AnimEvent...` <upload src="a4aaf/8dad95ae2a41f94.png" size="10534" name="image.png" /> Once you selected an AnimEvent, you can choose the frame it will activate either in the **Timeline**, by dragging the AnimEvent, or in the Event's node by typing the frame. <upload src="a4aaf/8dad95c17bb6b3d.png" size="10543" name="image.png" /> ##Sound Events To play a sound, select: * **AE_CL_PLAYSOUND**: Play a sound **Clientside** from the model's origin. * **AE_CL_PLAYSOUND_ATTACHMENT**: Play a sound *ClientSide* from an **Attachment**. * **AE_SV_PLAYSOUND**: Play a sound **Serverside** from the model's origin. Then select a sound, after compiling, you can preview the AnimEvent: <upload src="a4aaf/8dad95f1e288bae.mp4" size="455634" name="soundevent.mp4" /> ##Particle Events <deprecated>This uses the legacy particle system. For the component based particles, create them with a generic anim event.</deprecated>⤶ <warning>⤶ This uses the legacy particle system. For the component based particles, create them with a generic anim event.⤶ </warning>⤶ To create particles, select: * **AE_CL_CREATE_PARTICLE_EFFECT**: Create a particle from an **Attachment**. * **AE_CL_ADD_PARTICLE_EFFECT_CP**: Add a **Control Point** for a *Particle* from an *Attachment*. Then select a particle, and leave the default attachment type as is, as it should be fine for most cases. After compiling, you can preview the AnimEvent: <upload src="a4aaf/8dad96310b58a8b.mp4" size="205392" name="Particles.mp4" /> ##BodyGroup Events To switch bodygroups, select: * **AE_CL_BODYGROUP_SET_VALUE**: Set the **Value** of a *bodygroup*, *clientside*. * **AE_SV_BODYGROUP_SET_VALUE**: Set the *Value* of a *bodygroup*, **Serverside**. * **AE_CL_ENABLE_BODYGROUP**: *Enable* a *bodygroup* * **AE_CL_DISABLE_BODYGROUP**: *Disable* a *bodygroup* Then Select a bodygroup, and the desired value *(equivalent to their "Choice" number, starting from 0)*. After compiling, you can preview the AnimEvent: <upload src="a4aaf/8dad9663b70d0fe.mp4" size="456501" name="bodygroups.mp4" /> ##FootStep Events To add dynamic footsteps, select: * **AE_FOOTSTEP**: Play a dynamic **Footstep** sound from an *Attachment* You may set the **Volume** of the footstep, and whether it's **LEFT** or **RIGHT** *(Even if your character has more than 2 feet)*. ```csharp SkinnedModelRenderer ModelRenderer { get; set; } protected override void OnStart() { ModelRenderer.OnFootstepEvent += HandleFootstepEvent; } private void HandleFootstepEvent( SceneModel.FootstepEvent step ) { var position = step.Transform.Position; var trace = Scene.Trace.Ray( position, position + Vector3.Down * 10f ) .IgnoreGameObjectHierarchy( GameObject ) .Run(); var surface = trace.Surface; var sound = surface.Sounds.FootLand; var stepSound = Sound.Play( sound, trace.HitPosition ); stepSound.Volume = step.Volume; } ``` This example code is used for footsteps by checking the surface type below. ##Run code with Generic Events You may also add **Generic Events** that do nothing, but signal your game when the animation has an event. **AE_GENERIC_EVENT** can include: * **Integer** data * **Float** data * **Vector** data * **String** data * Type Name ```csharp SkinnedModelRenderer ModelRenderer { get; set; } protected override void OnStart() { ModelRenderer.OnGenericEvent += HandleGenericEvent; } private void HandleGenericEvent(SceneModel.GenericEvent eventData) { if (eventData.Type == "ExampleEvent") { // Do something } } ``` #AnimGraph Tags To add a Tag in your Animgraph: 1. In the **Tags** widget, press <key>✙</key> and select `Internal Tag`, name it accordingly. Then, to set the Tag inside your Animation Clips: 2. Double Click an **Animation Clip** to enter it. 3. Press <key>✙</key> and select your **Tag** 4. Slide the Tag's start and end for the desired duration <upload src="a4aaf/8dad9717d3aab38.png" size="477051" name="image.png" /> `In this example, the "Invincibility Frames" tag lasts from 0.5s to 1.0s` ##Tag Condition in a State Machine Inside a state machine, you can select **Internal Tags** as **Tag Condition** <upload src="a4aaf/8dad9726e8884fc.png" size="80857" name="image.png" /> `In this example, the "Disable LookAt" tag is used to disable a LookAt chain at the start of either "Growl" or "Howl" animations, until they finish their respective action.` ##Run Code with Tags You can also use Tags to run code: ```csharp SkinnedModelRenderer ModelRenderer { get; set; } protected override void OnStart() { ModelRenderer.OnAnimTagEvent += HandleAnimTagEvent; } protected override void HandleAnimTagEvent( SceneModel.AnimTagEvent tagEvent ) { if ( tagEvent.Name == "Invincibility Frames" ) { if ( tagEvent.Status == SceneModel.AnimTagStatus.Start ) { // Enable invincibility Log.Info( "I am now invincible!" ); } else if ( tagEvent.Status == SceneModel.AnimTagStatus.End ) { // Disable invincibility Log.Info( "I am not invincible anymore..." ); } } } ``` This example code will make a character invincible during the **`Invincibility Frames`** tag, useful for features such as a Dark Souls-Styled Roll mechanic.