S&box Wiki

s&box on macOS (Experimental)

Experimental documentation for getting s&box running on Macs with Apple Silicon chips

This will all be cleaned up and improved at some point but for now, this method lets you get as far as the Main Menu and use the tools. Hammer is the only thing that is functional.

This assumes you already have GPTK (Game Porting Toolkit) installed and that you've already got Steam installed in it.


Set the Windows version in winecfg to Windows 7


Once s&box is installed in Steam in GPTK, you'll have to run it by putting these commands in a batch file and then running the batch file, to setup the correct DOTNET environment variables so we can prevent it from crashing:

set DOTNET_SYSTEM_NET_HTTP_SOCKETSHTTPHANDLER_HTTP3SUPPORT=0 set DOTNET_EnableWriteXorExecute=0 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sbox\sbox.exe"

You'll also have to copy these files out of the sbox/bin folder into the root folder so that they're next to the .exe, as well as set them to be Native in winecfg.exe's Libraries tab:

d3dcompiler_47.dll vcruntime140.dll vccorlib140.dll concrt140.dll msvcp140.dll d3dcsx_43.dll

Some of those might not need to be moved, but, as far as I'm aware, `d3dcompiler_47.dll does need to be moved.

TODO: Figure out why wine doesn't recognise them in the bin folder?