S&box Wiki


This page assumes that you have read the Tilesets page. It is highly recommend that you read through that page first and have a preliminary understand about how tilesets work.

The Advanced Features

This page aims to cover the remaining information about tilesets, it will cover everything left out of the initial Tilesets and more.

Tile Set Properties

Object Properties

Convexity Angle

Changes the threshold for a angle to be considered convex/concave.

here I set tiles to appear as green when attached to a convex angle.


Ramp Rule Set


"Tile Set Properties" Tab

Property Description
mesh_face-world-z TBD
mesh_edge_connectivity which sides are connected regardless of angle
mesh_edge_convexity define sides based on if its a concave/convex angle
mesh_edge_convexity_or_tileset same as above but also includes option for different tileset

Tile Set Mesh Properties Settings

Property Description
Components what the rule uses to determine how tile is connected
Apply To where to send the information to
Manipulator TBD

Tile Set Materials

This allows you to use placeholder materials in your tiles and gives you an way to swap between multiple styles when creating your mesh

  1. Create your Tiles with placeholder materials. Here is an example I made for walls with an protruded outline.
  1. Open the Tile Set's Object Properties Window and goto the "Tile Set Materials" Tab

  2. Along the bottom, click the third option "Add Material", this will add the "reflectivity_30" by default but double click it and and change it to one of your placeholder materials. Do this for all placeholder materials

Double clicking the image will open the material editor but double clicking the name of the material will open the browser
  1. Once you have all your materials added, click the first option "Add Material Set". This will create a new column copying your placeholder materials, in this new column change the material from the placeholder to the real material. Remember to name any created sets for future reference.

It should look something like this

  1. Now that you have created the material set, go to your Tile Mesh, Choose Face Mode, and select all the faces that you want to apply the Material Set to. Then right click to open the context menu, and choose

Context Menu -> Tiles -> Assign Material Set -> {Material Set Name}

  1. Behold, All the placeholder materials now take on that Material Set's Equivalent.

Tile Properties

Property Description
Name User given name for tile
Base Width Width of the tile
Base Height Height of the tile
Use Best Size Match If checked, the tile closest to the mesh size will be used, even if not exact.
Minimum Size Scale The minimum scale at which the tile can be selected, 0 is disabled
Maximum Size Scale The maximum scale at which the tile can be selected, 0 is disabled
Probability Weight Determines the chance of the tile being selected from multiple tiles of the same size
Display Base Face If checked, the tilemesh will remain visable even when replaced by a tile
Align To Axis Forces the edge rules to align to the provided world axis
Rotation Snapping Forces the geometry to snap along this angle
Variation Id <?TBD?>
  • Rotation Snapping - Description is educated guess, cannot determine behavior in practice
  • Variation ID - Unknown, Believed possible to learn through the provided tile set examples

Using Concave & Convex angles

Concave and Convex angles allow your tile sets to use specific tiles based on how connected tiles are angled relative to it.

Examine this diagram to what name refers to what type of angle


in short, concave is an "inside" angle and and convex is an "outside" angle.

to give your tiles these rules, goto your TileSet Object Properties -> Tile Set Properties -> Add Mesh Property -> mesh_edge_convexity


Once this TileSet property is added each tile will now be given those "rules" in its object properties allowing you to specify how the edges should connect

For those interested here is Template I made for creating building walls.

  • The size of the tiles are 128x128 and they are to be placed vertical (z axis)

Also here is an example on how Concave/Convex angles can be used in practice
