S&box Wiki

Recent Changes

4 Days Ago
Models/GettingStarted - Revert this
by Retro
AccessList - Minor Change
by Bozy
Shader_Learning_Resources - Minor Change + Minor Change
by Bozy
Setting_up_VSCode - Minor Change
by Bozy
Setting_up_Visual_Studio - Minor Change
by Bozy
Setting_up_Rider - Minor Change
by Bozy
General_FAQ - Minor Change
by Xenthio
Editor - Minor Change
by Xenthio
Community_Council - Minor Change
by Xenthio
UI - Minor Change + Minor Change + Minor Change
by Bozy
ui-razor-elements - Minor Change
by Bozy
ui-razor - Minor Change
by Bozy
ui-events-and-input - Minor Change
by Bozy
vr-input - Minor Change
by Bozy
Widget_Docking - Minor Change
by Bozy
Editor - Minor Change
by Xenthio
style-video - Minor Change
by Xenthio
General_FAQ - Minor Change
by Xenthio
Community_Council - Minor Change
by Xenthio
by Delta
Community_Council - Minor Change
by Xenthio
Community_Council - Minor Change
by Xenthio
Editor - Minor Change
by Xenthio
Troubleshooting - Minor Change
by Retro
by Xenthio
System_Requirements - Minor Change
by Retro
Community_Council - Chap has a small willy
by Xenthio
System_Requirements - Minor Change
by Retro
System_Requirements - Minor Change
by Retro
General_FAQ - Chap is a twat
by Xenthio
Editor - Chap is a twat
by Xenthio
General_FAQ - Chap is a twat
by Xenthio
General_FAQ - Minor Change
by Xenthio
Editor - Revert
by Retro
7 Days Ago
Backend_API - add player endpoints
Backend_API - sap.facepunch.com is no longer used
20 Days Ago
Setting_up_Rider - add alternative to excluding
22 Days Ago
UI - feat: added steam avatar section
28 Days Ago
AnimEvents,_AnimGraph_Tags,_and_Attachments - Change method example accesibility, makes people think their code is wrong or must match
36 Days Ago
PhysicsJoints - fixed header, added info about attachment modes
proton - Minor Change + Minor Change + Minor Change
by linus77
37 Days Ago
PhysicsJoints - Added images, videos and info for sections
51 Days Ago
Fonts - Distinguished and added importance to the variable fonts + folder nesting, removed note regarding font families and added it as a comment in the code block, modified reworded a few sections to make the wording clearer
by Fish
Fonts - Warn about subfolders
Fonts - Add note for variable fonts + Move variable fonts note to warning and move it down
53 Days Ago
GettingStartedWithLibraries - Created Page + Minor Change + Minor Change + Minor Change + get rid of the cursor + jioggle + jiggle
by Retro
CreatingProjects - Minor Change
by Retro
UploadingAssets - Minor Change
by Retro
54 Days Ago
ProjectTypes - Project Types -> Project Templates, Rewrite for modern templates
by Retro
55 Days Ago
NavigationView - Created Page + Minor Change
by Sturnus
57 Days Ago
DebugOverlay - Created Page
by Bozy
Guide_to_Widgets - Change name
by Bozy
59 Days Ago
Setting_up_VSCode - Remove redundant warning, if they're here they already know they need aditional steps to make it work
by Bozy
DevPreview - Minor Change
by Bozy
Setting_up_Visual_Studio - Update dotnet target framework screenshot
Setting_up_VSCode - Update Roslyn Step/Update images
by Bozy
System_Requirements - Add title
by Bozy
Troubleshooting - Add a title
DevPreview - Change doc link
by Bozy
Editor - Change asset.party -> sbox.game
by Bozy
Community_Council - Created Page
Setting_up_VSCode - Remove extensions from list
by Bozy
Guide_to_Models - Change name
by Bozy
guide_to_materials - Change name
by Bozy
Guide_to_Sounds - Change names
by Bozy
Sound_Scapes - Change name
by Bozy
UploadingAssets - asset.party -> sbox.game + Link to sbox.game
by Kicks
CreatingProjects - Asset.Party -> Sbox.game
by Kicks
60 Days Ago
Sound_Scapes - Minor Change
by Bozy
2 Months Ago
Property - Add Display Info here
by Bozy
DisplayInfo - Delete
by Bozy
Mapping_Resources - Remove dead facepunch forum link
by Bozy
General_FAQ - Update links
by Bozy
CreatingDoor - Delete
by Bozy
GameObjects - Update links
by Bozy
CSharp_Learning_Resources - Move Shader resources to the shader category
by Bozy
Shader_Learning_Resources - Create Shader Learning Resources page
by Bozy
Networking_Basics - Update Links
by Bozy
Setting_up_Visual_Studio - Remove broken link to debugging page, added basic instructions for debugging
CSharp_Learning_Resources - Add shader resources
Models/AssetBrowser - Delete Page, made 5 months ago and is just default
by Bozy
Models/AssetBrowser - Minor Change
3 Months Ago
Quixel_Bridge_Plugin - Delete page
Quixel_Bridge_Plugin - Minor Change
by Bozy
TypeLibrary - Minor Change
by Bozy
Components - Fix redirects
by Bozy
CSharp_Learning_Resources - Change doc link and add api link
by Bozy
Fonts - Updated Screenshots and Description
Hammer_API - Fix hyperlinks
by Bozy
Widget_Docking - Fix hyperlinks ( entire page may be deleted if docs cover it )
by Bozy
Cloth_Physics - Indicate that Cloth Physics are currently broken
by Bozy
embedding-websites - Minor Update + Updated Image
Coding-Cheat-Sheet - Delete all this exists on docs
by Bozy
CSharp_Learning_Resources - Add Small fish tutorial
by Bozy
Commands - Delete Has Doc page ( https://sbox.game/dev/doc/reference/console-variables/ )
by Bozy
ConVars - Delete Has Doc page ( https://sbox.game/dev/doc/reference/console-variables/ )
by Bozy
SettingUpANavigationMesh - Delete, doc page, all this says is to go to docs
by Bozy
Asset_Types - redirect to docs + fix redirect
by Bozy
by Bozy
ui-razor-templates - Deleted - Covered in Docs
ui-razor-generics - Deleted - Covered in Docs
NetworkingCheatSheet - Created Page
by Bozy
Networking_Cheat_Sheet - Created Page + Move to networking + Deleted page.
by Bozy
Networked_Types - Deleting, coverd in docs. Sup types will have their own page called Networking cheat sheet
by Bozy
Games/GettingStarted - Updated Links and screenshots + Renamed Title
AuthTokens - Redirect HTTP and Websockets to docs + Deleting, covered on docs ( did not see it at first )
by Bozy
RPCs - deleting, covered on docs
by Bozy
websockets - deleting, exact copy of docs
by Bozy
http - exact copy of docs, deleting
by Bozy
AnatomyOfVFX - Include "RequiresN" in list of available FeatureRules
MaterialAPI - change RenderState to BoolAttribute 🙄
AnatomyOfVFX - remove ToolsVis from example code, this is outdated
UI - Removed scaling: already in docs
UI - Updated UI Panels Screenshot
UI - Update polygon example to scene system
by toss
UI - Fixed broken links
UI - Remove duplicate from docs
UIComponents - Duplicated Information from Docs
General_FAQ - Removed duplicates from FP docs + minor: Headline for additional FAQ
AnatomyOfVFX - Add modes which are now required in order to compile correctly
UploadingAssets - Minor Change + Minor Change + Minor Change
by potato
Using_Entities_That_Require_a_Mesh - Removed in favor of new systems
by Seven
Creating_Editor_Tools - Obsolete. New information is on sbox.game
by Carson
Editor_Events - Moved to sbox.game
by Carson
FileSystem - Page has been moved to sbox.game for a while
by Carson
Downloading_Assets_For_Your_Server - Moved to sbox.game
by Carson
Cloud_Assets_from_code - Moved to sbox.game
by Carson
Custom_Asset_Types - Moved to sbox.game
by Carson
4 Months Ago
Editor_Events - Create page with every EditorEvent I could find
localization - Deleted Localization - Exists on docs
AnimEvents,_AnimGraph_Tags,_and_Attachments - Update deprecation to warning so entire page isn't marked
by Bozy
General_FAQ - Revert change, this linked to the useful links page... + Change .Net to 9 , not sure about what Language features
by Bozy
DevPreview - Add how to get dev preview on useful links page
by Bozy
General_FAQ - Added link to dev preview access.
Creating_your_first_gm_flatgrass - Remove a seemingly pointless image link? + Update Geometry Type (hole doesn't exist)
by Retro
General_FAQ - Fixed typo
by Hezkore
Sound_Occlusion - Created Page + Add info on obsolete noblockaudio tag
by ducc
CSharp_Learning_Resources - Minor Change
by Bozy
Collisions - Less confusing, can someone figure out oncollisionupdate? + remove update, doesn't work
Triggers - trying to be more clear on how it works exactly, updated code example and videos, explanation of what a trigger is + method must be public void to work, can't just be void
GameObjects - Replaced deprecated members
Components - Replaced deprecated methods
Dedicated_Server - Formatting | Insane placement + Re-adjusted placement again
by Hearth
Dedicated_Server - add warning for +net_game_server_token
by Bozy
Dedicated_Server - Added Disclaimer (to console commands)
by Hearth
launchargs - Added Descriptions | Little Formating
by Hearth
Dedicated_Server - Add Console Commands | Kick only currently + Add more console commands | Technically Quit / Find are concommands people would find useful |
by Hearth
Dedicated_Server - Added Convar/Instructions to load Local .sbproj + Minor Format Fix (Of my previous previous change)
by Hearth
Dedicated_Server - Added Instructions to connect through Servers SteamID
by Hearth
Dedicated_Server - Updating .net from 7 to 9 and fix download to provide .net9
by Hearth
GameObjects - link to scene page on official docs, feels weird ot not mention it at all
Setting_up_VSCode - grammar fix and link to .net 9 in warning
Setting_up_Rider - Rider is free, s&box uses .net 9
Editor - asset browser and cloud browser are different widgets
PhysicsJoints - Created Page
by ducc
5 Months Ago
proton - Fix strange grammar and random capitalisation
Mapping_Resources - Add warning about outdated tutorials + I messed up the warning
by Bozy
Networking_Basics - Create a new Networking Basics Page, Proper url
by Bozy
Setting_Up_Networking - Delete this page to setup a new one with proper link
by Bozy
LobbySystem - Change to new Networking
Dedicated_Server - Add beta flag to update script
by Bozy
Setting_Up_Networking - Minor Change
by Bozy
Setting_Up_Networking - Rename page, this covers the basics of networking
by Bozy
Network_Basics - delete this page since its already coverd somewhere else
by Bozy
proton - Minor Change
by Bozy
by Kicks
Dedicated_Server - remove non existent convar
by Bozy
by Kicks
Dedicated_Server - Let's remove maxplayers and extensions from convar list for now, basing this list off docs.
by Bozy
General_FAQ - Remove dev preview being revoked warning
by Bozy
GettingStartedWithHammer - Add the hammer tutorial to this page + Remove the tutorial its already in mapping resources
by Bozy
CSharp_Learning_Resources - Remove hammer tutorial from coding learning resources
by Bozy
Setting_up_Visual_Studio - Add the troubleshooting shit back someone removed it + Minor Change + Minor Change
by Bozy
Dedicated_Server - Add +net_game_server_token convar
by Bozy
ProjectTypes - Remove warning about librarys being broken
by Bozy
Setting_up_Visual_Studio - Change .Net version to 7 + Add warning about .net 7
by Kicks
Setting_up_Visual_Studio - Use newest .net version
Networked_Types - Update Network Types, Bassically restatting Docs + Minor Change
by Bozy
Models/GettingStarted - Minor Change + Minor Change
Dedicated_Server - change +hostname to valid convar
by Bozy
Dedicated_Server - Remove maxplayers and hostname from server launch example
by Bozy
Dedicated_Server - Minor Change
by Bozy
Dedicated_Server - Explain how to connect to a server
by ducc
Dedicated_Server - Add map argument to +game
by ducc
Dedicated_Server - +gamemode -> +game
by ducc
Dedicated_Server - Minor Change
by Bozy
Dedicated_Server - Revert page wipe + Remove Server Manager link + Remove mention of server list + Remove other server list mention, fix wording + Add TODOs
by ducc
proton - Major Change + Minor Change
by linus77
ui-razor-elements - Created Page + Update category
by ducc
style-video - Play video in OnAfterTreeRender instead of constructor
by ducc
style-video - Created Page
by ducc
6 Months Ago
stylesheets - Page Moved
by Carson
by Carson
by Carson
Input_System - Added Razor Example
AnimEvents,_AnimGraph_Tags,_and_Attachments - Update to Scene system + Minor Change + Minor Change
ShadingModel - Fixed some outdated information, added section on using fog
ui-events-and-input - Add event example for razor files
by Remscar