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<cat>Dev.Publishing</cat> <title>Uploading projects</title> # Uploading Projects To publish a project, you'll need to set an **Organization** to upload to. If you don't have one, you can make one in the editor or [here](https://asset.party/~create). Once you have one, under the edit drop down click `Publish Project..` and follow the instructions. To publish a project, you'll need to set an **Organization** to upload to. If you don't have one, you can make one in the editor or [here](https://sbox.game/~create). Once you have one, under the edit drop down click `Publish Project..` and follow the instructions. <upload src="b4aa4/8dc34a9a86a2f14.png" size="3352" name="image.png" /> To make your game public for anyone to play, click the button at the end of setup that says `View and Edit on Web`, then change `Publish State` to `Released`, it should look like this. <upload src="b4aa4/8dc34aa0d4aa36a.png" size="19395" name="image.png" />