S&box Wiki

Setting up Rider

Get Rider

Rider is now free for personal use as of October 24, 2024. It can be installed from the official website here

Set Rider as your Code Editor

From within the s&box editor, click Edit > Editor Settings. In General, set the Code Editor to Rider. Now you can press Ctrl+P (or File > Open Solution) from within the editor to open your solution.


Attaching to the Procces

In Rider click Run -> Attach to process... or see here


Selecting the S&Box process

1 View the available list of all debuggers

2 Narrow it down to .NET

3 Filter by sbox only

4 Attach - Done!


Start debugging!



  • If you are getting errors on everything, make sure you have the .NET 9 SDK installed.

  • If you are getting random errors from stuff that should be code generated, ensure you have Roslyn Analyzers enabled.

  • If you are getting errors from the s&box libraries specifically the razor files, like this:


Then its try disabling rider's inspection for those folders.

To do this go to: Settings -> Inspection Settings Scroll down to the bottom where it says "Elements to Skip" and enter:

"Libraries\Base Library\UI"

"Libraries\Menu Addon"
