Project Settings Window - Games
Project Settings Window
The Project Settings Window is a central hub for configuring and publishing a project.

You can open the window by clicking on the cog icon next to your project:

Project Setup: This section allows you to modify the project's title, package ident, organization, tags, etc.
Menu Files: A section for specifying the accessible files within the menu system, which are downloaded when a user clicks on your game.
Game Setup: Allows you to define the minimum and maximum number of players, the game's tick rate, and networking type.
Collision: Configuration table for defining which types of game objects can collide with others.
Input: Assign in-game actions to specific user input commands. A set of actions are provided by default.
Resource Files: Define extra paths that need to be uploaded.
Packages: Reference external libraries used within the project.
Compiler Setup: Configure settings for the project's compiler.
Upload to This allows you to publish your game so that others can play it.