S&box Wiki

Learning Resources

Learning Resources

While developing games in s&box covers many disciplines, everybody needs to start somewhere.

s&box Resources

These links are specific to s&box, and will help you get started.

General Engine Tutorials / Programming

S&box Official Documentation

S&box Official Api

Carson Kompon's s&box Tutorials

Small Fish's S&box Tutorial Series

s&box Open Source Projects

These projects are open source, meaning you can reference them. Depending on the license, you may also be able to copy the code or assets and use it in your own projects.

Facepunch/sbox-scenestaging: a large collection of scenes, spanning a variety of use cases.

All of Facepunch's sbox repos: all of the repos owned by Facepunch that have sbox in the name

All GitHub repos with the sbox-game tag: all repositories on GitHub with the tag sbox-game

C# Resources

C# is an object-oriented, strongly and statically typed, programming language. This differs heavily from Lua, which is a dynamic, weakly typed programming language with less restrictions and different coding conventions than C#.

Below you can find resources for learning C# that are geared for beginners.

Official Microsoft Documentation

Microsoft's official documentation and tutorials are a very good starting point for beginners.

Table of Contents

Interactive Hello World

Tour of C#