Revision Difference
<title>Widget Docking</title>
# Widget Docking
Widget docking makes it easy for users to layout the UI you make how they want.
The editor makes heavy use of docking to allow for these customizations.
If you just want to add a widget to an existing dock window (such as the editor or hammer), <page text="read this">Guide_to_Widgets#option1widgetwithdockattribute</page>.
The [DockWindow widget]( provides a [DockManager]( for creating docks and adding widgets to them.
The [DockWindow widget]( provides a [DockManager]( for creating docks and adding widgets to them.
To get started, create a class the inherits the DockWindow widget and add some method of opening it.
If you're not sure how to open it, <page text="read this">Guide_to_Widgets#creatingandopeningawindow</page>.
Create a widget, and add the widget to the dock manager in your constructor like this
public SomeWidgetConstuctor() {
//code ...
Label dockedWidget = new("a docked widget!", this) { WindowTitle = "this will show up on the tab" };
DockManager.AddDock(null, dockedWidget);
The result of adding these two lines will look something like this
<upload src="8f39a/8dbc8234b45f814.png" size="12055" name="sbox-dev_YC6iRNpRUI.png" />
Duplicate the code above, and you will have two docks each with a widget of their own
<upload src="8f39a/8dbc8251712f234.png" size="18110" name="sbox-dev_Zk3oF04mhJ.png" />
With just two docks, the widgets can now be dragged around inside the dock window and oriented how the user desires
You can have multiple widgets docked ontop each other by using [DockArea.Inside]( as the third parameter of [DockManager.AddDock](,Widget,DockArea,DockProperty,float))
You can have multiple widgets docked ontop each other by using [DockArea.Inside]( as the third parameter of [DockManager.AddDock](,Widget,DockArea,DockProperty,float))
Label widgetThree = new("some docked widget", this) { WindowTitle = "widget three" };
DockManager.AddDock(null, widgetThree, DockArea.Inside);
You can choose what widget to dock ontop of by specifying the first parameter
Label widgetOne = new("a docked widget!", this) { WindowTitle = "widget one" };
DockManager.AddDock(null, widgetOne);
//docks left of widgetOne
Label widgetTwo = new("another docked widget!", this) { WindowTitle = "widget two" };
DockManager.AddDock(null, widgetTwo);
//docks ontop of widgetOne
Label widgetThree = new("some docked widget", this) { WindowTitle = "widget three" };
DockManager.AddDock(widgetOne, widgetThree, DockArea.Inside);
Which will look like this
<upload src="8f39a/8dbc8269cb73b6f.png" size="17936" name="sbox-dev_By658ffPBs.png" />
# Dock Properties
Remember that these widgets can be move around however the user wants.
If you want to add restrictions, you can use a [DockProperty]( eg.
If you want to add restrictions, you can use a [DockProperty]( eg.
Label widgetOne = new("a docked widget!", this) { WindowTitle = "widget one" };
DockManager.AddDock(null, widgetOne, DockArea.Left, DockManager.DockProperty.DisallowUserDocking);
This will prevent the widget from being docked elsewhere. The widget can still be closed, so to prevent that you can add the [HideCloseButton]( property.
Label widgetOne = new("a docked widget!", this) { WindowTitle = "widget one" };
DockManager.AddDock(null, widgetOne, DockArea.Left, DockManager.DockProperty.DisallowUserDocking | DockManager.DockProperty.HideCloseButton);
<note>All widgets are forced to use [DockProperty.AlwaysDisplayFullTabs]( as a dock property with the current implementation of DockManager.AddDock</note>
# Registering Docks
You may want to let players close and reopen docked widgets. You can do this by registering a dock and creating a widget with the the same name as the dock.
Label hidableWidget = new("another docked widget!", this) {
Name = "SomeWidgetName",
WindowTitle = "widget two",
//register the dock, and dont delete it on close
DockManager.RegisterDockType("SomeWidgetName", "directions_boat", null, false);
DockManager.AddDock(null, hidableWidget);
We will use a view menu in the menu bar to list the widgets that can be hidden. This will let users hide and show the widget.
Add a method in your dock window's class for when the view menu opens
void OnViewMenu(Menu view) {
//clear the old options
//it's a good idea to allow resetting to some default state
//you can override RestoreDefaultDockLayout to dock the widgets however you want
view.AddOption("Restore To Default", "settings_backup_restore", RestoreDefaultDockLayout);
//create an option in the view menu for every registered dock
foreach (DockManager.DockInfo dockInfo in DockManager.DockTypes) {
if (dockInfo.DeleteOnClose)
Option option = view.AddOption(dockInfo.Title, dockInfo.Icon);
option.Checkable = true;
option.Checked = DockManager.IsDockOpen(dockInfo.Title);
option.Toggled += (state) => DockManager.SetDockState(dockInfo.Title, state);
Then add the view menu to the menu bar in your dock window's constructor
Menu viewMenu = MenuBar.AddMenu("View");
viewMenu.AboutToShow += () => OnViewMenu(viewMenu);
It should appear like this
<upload src="8f39a/8dbc82b5f80c60b.png" size="3628" name="sbox-dev_vNSaAgsdjO.png" />
<upload src="8f39a/8dbc82b6ad5ea6d.png" size="5507" name="sbox-dev_uGXGYtezxS.png" />
Clicking the option in the view menu will now hide and show the widget