Revision Difference
<title>Creating a Tool</title>⤶
<warning>Tool projects do not exist, but most of the code still applies to *Editor Tools*</warning>⤶
# What is a Tool?⤶
Sometimes your game may require certain tools that s&box may not provide to you out of the box. In cases like these it can be beneficial to develop your own set of tools that allow you to automate and/or ease certain tasks.⤶
A tool can be anything from an editor with a few sliders and a text entry to a turntable spritesheet renderer.⤶
<note>Tools cannot be published/uploaded to [](</note>⤶
If you want others to be able to use your tool, the convention is to upload it to GitHub with the **sbox** and **sbox-tool** topics on the repository.⤶
If you prefer to learn from example, you may want to look at [these repositories](⤶
# Creating a new Tool⤶
If you are making a game-specific tool, then all you have to do is create a new folder named `editor` in the code folder of your game project. From here you can follow the next section and place any .cs files for your tool in here. This will ensure that the tool is only loaded when you are editing that game project.⤶
If you are **not** making a game-specific tool, and instead want to make a tool that is always loaded in the editor no matter what, you must create a new "Tool" project.⤶
<upload src="b50e6/8dbb9595123f7be.png" size="25877" name="image.png" />⤶
# Defining a Tool Window⤶
When your tool is loaded in the editor, it will look for any `DockWindow` that has a `[Tool]` attribute and add it to the Tools Menu and sidebar in your Editor. You can then open that window at any time by clicking on the tool in the list.⤶
You can define a custom window of your own like such:⤶
[Tool( "My Custom Editor", "rocket", "Edits custom things!" )]⤶
public partial class MainWindow : DockWindow⤶
public MainWindow()⤶
DeleteOnClose = true;⤶
Size = new Vector2(480, 360);⤶
Title = "My Custom Editor";⤶
# Defining a Tool Dock⤶
A Dock is similar to a Window but is meant to be primarily used while docked (but can still be pulled away as a floaty window). Docks are added to the View Menu in your Editor and can be toggled on/off.⤶
You can define a custom dock like this:⤶
[Dock( "Editor", "My Custom Dock", "snippet_folder" )]⤶
public class MyCustomDock : Widget⤶
public MyCustomDock(Widget parent) : base(parent)⤶
var button = new Button( "Ping", "arrow_upward" );⤶
button.Clicked = () =>⤶
Log.Info( "Pong" );⤶
Learn more about the dock attribute <page text="here">Guide_to_Widgets#option1widgetwithdockattribute</page>⤶
# Defining a Tool Menu⤶
A Menu is a custom drop-down added to your Editor's Menu Bar. These are useful for holding shortcuts and options that are specific to your tool that you would want regular and/or easy access to.⤶
You can create one like such:⤶
public class MyCustomMenu⤶
[Menu( "Editor", "My Custom Menu/Custom Option 1" )]⤶
public static void CustomOption1()⤶
{ ⤶
Log.Info( "Pressed the first option!" );⤶
[Menu( "Editor", "My Custom Menu/Custom Option 2" )]⤶
public static void CustomOption2()⤶
Log.Info( "Pressed the second option!" );⤶
Tool Projects no longer exist anymore, instead read about [Editor Projects]( and [Editor Widgets]( on [](