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<cat>Dev.Model</cat>⤶ <title>Animations without Animgraph</title>⤶ ⤶ ⤶ # Introduction⤶ ⤶ Animgraph is really powerful, but it currently has a bit of a performance bottleneck with many units on screen. Facepunch's own RTS gamemode ran into this issue. Similarly, the tool can be pretty complex and way beyond your needs.⤶ ⤶ You can choose to forego the Animgraph altogether and do all your animation stuff within ModelDoc. This approach is similar to Source 1, except you're doing all your work through a GUI instead of editing a .QC file by hand.⤶ ⤶ # Example compositing⤶ ⤶ Layering an upper body weapon pose on top of a running animation.