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<cat>Code.Camera</cat> <title>Camera</title> # Introduction ⤶ The old CameraMode is now simply known as Camera, this allowed for the reduction of base S&box code so this is now the method for controlling the game camera. This is a clientside global variable that can be called anywhere. ⤶ You can control the game camera by referencing the global clientside variable `Camera`. It is accessible and changeable anywhere in the game loop clientside. # Example usage It is recommended to put your camera code in an event called every frame such as `[Event.Client.Frame]` or `[Event.Client.PostCam]` [Event System](https://wiki.facepunch.com/sbox/EventSystem), or a method such as `FrameSimulate` ``` public override void FrameSimulate( Client cl ) { Camera.Rotation = ViewAngles.ToRotation(); Camera.Position = EyePosition; Camera.FieldOfView = Local.UserPreference.FieldOfView; Camera.FirstPersonViewer = this; Camera.ZNear = 1f; Camera.ZFar = 5000.0f; } ```