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<cat>Play.Intro</cat> <title>Hosting a s&box Dedicated Server</title> <note>Currently a s&box server build is in **heavy delelopment** and many basic features not implemented yet (lobby, commands, etc).</note> # Windows ## SteamCMD Dedicated servers can be downloaded using SteamCMD. This is a command line version of Steam. You can download it [from this official page](https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD). The first time you run it it will update and you will be left at a Steam console. You will want to log in. You can log into an anonymous account by typing: ``` login anonymous ``` ## Installing s&box Dedicated Server If you want to specify a download folder then before you update enter this command (default is *steamcmd run location*\steamapps\common\): If you want to specify a download folder then before you update enter this command (default is steamcmd run location): ``` force_install_dir c:\sbox_server ``` You can then install or update the Garry's Mod Dedicated Server by using the command: You can then install or update the s&box Dedicated Server by using the command: ``` app_update 1892930 ``` It will slowly download or update. If you wish to verify your server, enter this instead of the above: ``` app_update 1892930 validate ``` Once it's done you can type 'quit' at the console to exit or just close the SteamCMD window. ## Automation You probably don't want to do that every time you want to install/update a server. Don't worry - it supports bat scripts too. ``` steamcmd +force_install_dir c:\sbox_server +login anonymous +app_update 1892930 validate +quit ``` # Launching It's mostly the same as launching any other Source 1 game-servers, specify options for game (gamemode, map, maxplayers, etc.) and all content will be downloaded automatically: ``` sbox-server.exe +gamemode facepunch.sandbox +map baks.office ``` # Linux <note>There's no Linux server build yet, there will be one in the future.</note>