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<cat>Play.Server</cat> <title>Dedicated Servers</title> <note>There's no Linux server build yet, there will be one in the future.</note> # Downloading You can use [SteamCMD](https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD) to download the dedicated server. ``` steamcmd +force_install_dir c:\steamcmd\sboxserver +login anonymous +app_update 1892930 validate +quit ``` # Launching ⤶ Mainly the same as launching any other source server, specify the org+ident for game and map and it'll all download automatically. ⤶ As with any Source dedicated server, you can use convars to customize your server settings. To load a game and a map, specify its organization + ident - you can find them by browsing [asset.party](https://asset.party/)⤶ ``` sbox-server.exe +gamemode facepunch.sandbox +map facepunch.construct +maxplayers 8 +hostname My Epic Server ```⤶ ⤶ If you want to load addons for the game, use the `+extensions` convar and separate addons by a semicolon (`;`)⤶ ⤶ ```⤶ sbox-server.exe +gamemode facepunch.sandbox +map facepunch.construct +extensions "gvar.admin_ball;gvar.sbox_radio" +maxplayers 8 +hostname My Epic Server ⤶ ``` # Connecting Players connect through your servers Steam ID, there's no need to worry about port forwarding or anything. **Your server will pop up in the select gamemode of choice:** <upload src="b0065/8da7fc855513a6e.png" size="13590" name="Screenshot 2022-08-16 234548.png" /> # Troubleshooting Make sure you have updated the server to the latest version. If you have Steam installed on the host machine, make sure it is updated. <note>Make sure to not use the regular **sbox-server.exe** in the game directory. Always download it and update it with SteamCMD.</note>