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<cat>Code.Misc</cat>⤶ <title>DisplayInfo</title>⤶ ⤶ The DisplayInfo library can be used to define or display information about type and type members.⤶ ⤶ # Properties⤶ ⤶ The following table lists the properties of DisplayInfo, and what attributes are related to each property. In the case that multiple attributes are listed, they are in order of precedence.⤶ ⤶ | Property | Attribute | Target |⤶ |-------------|----------------------------------------|--------|⤶ | ClassName | | Both |⤶ | Namespace | | Both |⤶ | Fullname | | Both |⤶ | Name | TitleAttribute, DisplayAttribute | Both |⤶ | Description | DescriptionAttribute, DisplayAttribute | Both |⤶ | Group | CategoryAttribute, DisplayAttribute | Both |⤶ | Icon | IconAttribute | Both |⤶ | Order | OrderAttribute, DisplayAttribute | Member |⤶ | Browsable | BrowsableAttribute | Member |⤶ | Placeholder | PlaceholderAttribute | Member |⤶ | Alias | AliasAttribute | Both |⤶ | Tags | TagAttribute | Both |⤶ ⤶ # Defining info for DisplayInfo⤶ ⤶ To define information for the DisplayInfo library, use the attributes listed in the table above. For example, this `Item` class defines the Name and Icon.⤶ ⤶ ```cs⤶ [Title( "Item" ), Icon( "luggage" )]⤶ public class Item : AnimatedEntity⤶ {⤶ // ...⤶ }⤶ ```⤶ ⤶ This class will have its `Name` as Item and `Icon` as luggage.⤶ ⤶ # Fetching info from DisplayInfo⤶ ⤶ To get the DisplayInfo of a type or member, use the static `For`, `ForType`, or `ForMember` methods of `Sandbox.DisplayInfo`. Then, the information can be accessed as properties of the DisplayInfo. Here's an example in a class of the name 'Player Pawn':⤶ ⤶ ```cs⤶ DisplayInfo displayInfo = DisplayInfo.ForType( this.GetType() );⤶ Log.Info( displayInfo.Name ); // Player Pawn⤶ ```