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<cat>Dev.Intro</cat> <title>s&box editor</title> # S&box Editor This is where you develop content for s&box. Opening the editor is as simple as opening `sbox-dev.exe` or appending `-tools` to your launch parameters <upload src="a768a/8da795cde84fc18.png" size="988268" name="image.png" /> # Editor Tools The tools can be accessed from the Tools main menu entry, or from the hotbar - these are all self-explanatory for editing different asset types. <page>Dev_Tools</page> # Editor Widgets <page text="Game">EditorGameWidget</page> - You main game window <page text="Console">EditorConsoleWidget</page> - Usual console output. <page text="Inspector">EditorInspectorWidget</page> - Inspector where you can modify your game resources and such. <page text="Panels">EditorPanelsWidget</page> <page text="Addon Manager">EditorAddonManagerWidget</page> - Manage your addons here. <page text="Performance">EditorPerformanceWidget</page> <page text="Entity List">EditorEntityListWidget</page> <page text="Error List">EditorErrorListWidget</page> <page text="Assets Browser">EditorAssetsBrowserWidget</page> - Browse and manage your assets here. <page text="Application Timings">EditorApplicationTimingsWidget</page> <page text="Application Timings">EditorApplicationTimingsWidget</page>⤶ ⤶ <note> Pretty barebones on info for now. So if you feel like you can add additional details and pictures to one of the individual pages, please do! Just keep it nice and tidy.</note>