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<cat>Code.Misc</cat>⤶ <cat>Code.Entity</cat>⤶ <title>Entity Components</title> Entities can have components. These components are networked, so are also available on the client. # Defining Components ```csharp public partial class MyComponent : EntityComponent { [Net] public string MyVariable { get; set; } } ``` Components can also have [Events](Event_System). ``` public partial class FlyingComponent : EntityComponent { [Event.Tick] public void OnTick() { Entity.Velocity += Vector3.Up * 16.0f; } } ``` # Creating Components You can create, get and remove components from an Entity at any time, in this example we simply assign them on Spawn. ```csharp public partial class MyEntity : Entity { public override Spawn() { var c = Components.Create<MyComponent>(); var c = Components.GetOrCreate<MyComponent>(); var c = Components.Get<MyComponent>(); var c = new MyComponent(); Components.Add( c ); Components.Remove( c ); Components.RemoveAll(); foreach ( var c in Components.GetAll<MyComponent>() ) { } foreach ( var c in Components.GetAll<EntityComponent>() ) { } } } ``` # Binding Components If you need to frequently access a component and want a reference that is networked between server and client, you can set up the component as a property with the `BindComponent` attribute. ```csharp public partial class MyEntity : Entity { [BindComponent] public MyComponent Component { get; } public override void Spawn() { Components.Create<MyComponent>(); base.Spawn(); } } ``` Component will now refer to the same networked component on both client and server. * Note that you still need to create the component, and you should do so only from the server. * You also do not need to assign the component to the property, which should have no setter. ### Footnotes * Clients are also entities and can have components on Client.Components