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<cat>Play.Intro</cat> <title>How To Get A Key</title> As of right now the only way to get a key is by an early access developer nominating you for a key. This is very unlikely to happen so do NOT expect you will get a key anytime soon. Also the game isn't even done yet, and is not even playable so I don't know why you would want a key. Just be patient until the beta or full version comes out. As of right now the only way to get a key is by a person with dev preview nominating you for a key. This is very unlikely to happen so do **NOT** expect you will get a key anytime soon. The game isn't even done yet, and isn't even playable so I don't know why you would want a key. Just be patient until the beta or full version comes out. Reference: https://sbox.facepunch.com/news/april2021