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<cat>Hammer.Entities</cat> <title>Mapping Entity Index</title> <warning> As the game is in heavy development entities listed here can be added or removed without warning. Many pages here do not exist yet. ( and the ones that do exist have probably been deleted ) ⤶ Be hesitant to create new pages as the development process could change how that entity works or remove it completely.⤶ ⤶ Take this list with a grain of salt, and when in doubt always double check hammer itself for the latest information⤶ </warning>⤶ ⤶ As the game is in heavy development entities listed here can be added or removed without warning. Many pages here do not exist yet. ( and the ones that do exist have probably been deleted ) ⤶ Do not create new pages about map entities, with the new scene system and retooling most the current map entity system will either be remade entirely or changed from the current setup. We advise waiting until the new system is implemented before writing articles about map entities⤶ ⤶ </warning>⤶ Here is an index of everything currently accessible in hammer's entity creation tool. - ⛶ = Requires a mesh to function - ⧇ = Supports being a mesh --- ## Constraints - <page>phys_ballsocket </page> - <page>phys-hinge</page> - <page>phys_lengthconstraint</page> - <page>phys_slidercconstraint</page> - <page>phys_spring</page> ## Destruction - <page>func_shatterglass</page> ⛶ - <page>func_voxelsurface</page> ⛶ ## Effects - <page>ent_explosion</page> - <page>func_precipitation</page> ⛶ - <page>info_particle_system</page> - <page>post_processing_entity</page> - <page>post_processing_volume</page> ⛶ ## Fog & Sky - <page>env_cubemap_fog</page> - <page>env_gradient_fog</page> - <page>env_sky</page> - <page>env_volumetric_fog_controller</page> - <page>env_volumetric_fog_volume</page> - <page>sky_camera</page> - <page>skybox_refrence</page> ## Gameplay - <page>ent_button</page> ⧇ - <page>ent_door</page> ⧇ - <page>ent_logic</page> - <page>ent_path_platform</page> ⧇ - <page>ent_platform</page> ⧇ - <page>ent_timer</page> - <page>func_brush</page> ⛶ - <page>func_monitor</page> ⛶ - <page>func_physbox</page> ⛶ - <page>func_water</page> ⛶ - <page>info_target</page> - <page>point_camera</page> - <page>prop_animated</page> - <page>prop_physics</page> ## Lighting - <page>env_combined_light_probe_volume</page> - <page>env_cubemap</page> - <page>env_cubemap_box</page> - <page>env_light_probe_volume</page> - <page>light_capsule</page> - <page>light_environment</page> - <page>light_omni</page> - <page>light_ortho</page> - <page>light_rect</page> - <page>light_spot</page> ## Navigation - <page>ent_nav_blocker</page> ⛶ ## Player - <page>info_player_start</page> ## Sound - <page>snd_event_alignedbox</page> - <page>snd_event_point</page> - <page>snd_soundscape</page> - <page>snd_soundscape_box</page> ## Triggers - <page>push_volume</page> ⛶ - <page>trigger_hurt</page> ⛶ - <page>trigger_multiple</page> ⛶ - <page>trigger_once</page> ⛶ - <page>trigger_teleport</page> ⛶ ## Uncategorized - <page>func_nav_markup</page> ⛶ - <page>info_cull_triangles</page> - <page>info_notepad</page> - <page>info_overlay</page> - <page>info_visability</page> - <page>point_worldtext</page> - <page>prop_static</page> - <page>visibility_hint</page>