S&box Wiki

Revision Difference


<cat>Dev.Projects</cat> <title>Project Types</title> # Game ⤶ Everything exists in a game. ⤶ An example of a game would be the Sandbox game, or Pool.⤶ ⤶ This one is obvious, everything exists within a game. # Library The library project is our equivalent of nuget packages. You can create a common library of code and publish it as a package. This enables you to re-use the same code over multiple games by adding the package as a reference. Once you have made your library public you should be aware that if you remove or change the public API of the assembly you risk breaking projects that are referencing it. <note>In the future we'll be offering tools to help avoid this situation, like letting you reference a specific version of a package, and letting you test your library changes against other packages that are referencing it before publishing</note> # Addon Addons allow you to build on top of and modify existing games. Addons can target a specific game, or work universally across all games. Addons can target a specific game, or work universally across all games. Though not every game will support loading addons. # Content Content addons are primarily used to share content between projects. ⤶ - If you're making a map that can be used by more than one game.⤶ - If you're making art assets that can be used more than one game.⤶ Content addons are primarily used to share assets between projects. Such as models, materials, and particles. # Tool Tool addons are run within the editor and allow you to customize, add on to, or make new tools. Tool addons cannot be uploaded to asset party. To share tool addons, upload to a site like github where others can download it. To use a tool addon, enter the editor in content mode and add it to your project list. Make sure the tool addon is enabled to use it. To use a tool addon, Enable it in the project list while a project is loaded.