Revision Difference
<title>Shader States</title>
# Render States
Render states are set within the actual shader stages themselves. They are set by using the preprocessor definition `RenderState( Name, Argument );` and you can set as many states as you like. Every state is optional and if the render state is not set it will be set to a default value. Please refer to the list below for the types of render states you can set.
## RenderState( Name, Argument );
| Name | Valid Arguments |
| FillMode | `WIREFRAME`, `SOLID` |
| CullMode | `NONE`, `BACK`, `FRONT` |
| DepthBias | `true`, `false` |
| DepthBiasClamp | `true`, `false` |
| SlopeScaleDepthBias | `true`, `false` |
| DepthClipEnable | `true`, `false` |
| MultisampleEnable | `true`, `false` |
| SampleMask | `true`, `false` |
| DepthEnable | `true`, `false` |
| DepthWriteEnable | `true`, `false` |
| StencilEnable | `true`, `false` |
| StencilReadMask | A value from 0 -> 255 |
| StencilWriteMask | A value from 0 -> 255 |
| StencilFailOp | `KEEP`, `ZERO`, `REPLACE`, `INCR_SAT`, `DECR_SAT`, `INVERT`, `INCR`, `DECR` |
| StencilDepthFailOp | `KEEP`, `ZERO`, `REPLACE`, `INCR_SAT`, `DECR_SAT`, `INVERT`, `INCR`, `DECR` |
| StencilPassOp | `KEEP`, `ZERO`, `REPLACE`, `INCR_SAT`, `DECR_SAT`, `INVERT`, `INCR`, `DECR` |
| BackStencilFailOp | `KEEP`, `ZERO`, `REPLACE`, `INCR_SAT`, `DECR_SAT`, `INVERT`, `INCR`, `DECR` |
| BackStencilDepthFailOp | `KEEP`, `ZERO`, `REPLACE`, `INCR_SAT`, `DECR_SAT`, `INVERT`, `INCR`, `DECR` |
| BackStencilPassOp | `KEEP`, `ZERO`, `REPLACE`, `INCR_SAT`, `DECR_SAT`, `INVERT`, `INCR`, `DECR` |
| StencilRef | A value from 0 -> 255 |
| AlphaToCoverageEnable | `true`, `false` |
| BlendEnable | `true`, `false` |
| IndependentBlendEnable | `true`, `false` |
| BlendOp | `ADD`, `SUBTRACT`, `REV_SUBTRACT`, `MIN`, `MAX` |
| BlendOpAlpha | `ADD`, `SUBTRACT`, `REV_SUBTRACT`, `MIN`, `MAX` |
| ColorWriteEnable0 | `false`, `R`, `G`, `B`, `A`, `RG`, `RB`, `RA`, `GB`, `GA`, `BA`, `GBA`, `RBA`, `RGA`, `RGB`, `RGBA` |
| ColorWriteEnable1 | `false`, `R`, `G`, `B`, `A`, `RG`, `RB`, `RA`, `GB`, `GA`, `BA`, `GBA`, `RBA`, `RGA`, `RGB`, `RGBA` |
| ColorWriteEnable2 | `false`, `R`, `G`, `B`, `A`, `RG`, `RB`, `RA`, `GB`, `GA`, `BA`, `GBA`, `RBA`, `RGA`, `RGB`, `RGBA` |
| ColorWriteEnable3 | `false`, `R`, `G`, `B`, `A`, `RG`, `RB`, `RA`, `GB`, `GA`, `BA`, `GBA`, `RBA`, `RGA`, `RGB`, `RGBA` |
| SrgbWriteEnable0 | `true`, `false` |
| SrgbWriteEnable1 | `true`, `false` |
| SrgbWriteEnable2 | `true`, `false` |
| SrgbWriteEnable3 | `true`, `false` |
| BlendFactor | `true`, `false` |
| HighPrecisionBlendEnable | `true`, `false` |
| AlphaTestEnable | `true`, `false` |
| AlphaTestRef | `true`, `false` |
## Example usage
#include "common/pixel.hlsl"
RenderState( DepthEnable, false ); // Disable depth testing⤶
RenderState( CullMode, NONE ); // Always render backfaces⤶
RenderState( BlendEnable, true ); // Enable blending, used for transparency⤶
RenderState( AlphaToCoverageEnable, true ); // Proper transparency sorting⤶
// These are likely not compatible with BlendEnable and AlphaToCoverage, they're included as an example:⤶
RenderState( DepthEnable, false ); // Disable depth testing⤶
RenderState( DepthWriteEnable, false ); // Don't write to the depth buffer
RenderState( DepthFunc, LESS_EQUAL ); // Set depth function, not needed!
RenderState( FillMode, WIREFRAME ); // Render the wireframe of the model
// Main
float4 MainPs( PixelInput i ) : SV_Target0
Material m = GatherMaterial( i );
/* m.Metalness = 1.3f; // Forces the object to be metalic */⤶
return FinalizePixelMaterial( i, m );⤶
Material m = Material::From( i );
return ShadingModelStandard::Shade( i, m ); ⤶