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<cat>Dev.UI</cat> <title>UI Basics</title> # Basics UI entities are implemented using HTML and/or C#. Entities can be styled using SCSS, a preprocessor scripting language that is interpreted/compiled into Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). This is done out of the box. # Simple UI (static or hybrid) For static entities without any dynamic component (static banner, simple non-changing crosshair, etc.) HTML UI might be sufficient. You can still reference C# classes within the HTML using regular HTML-Tags. The referenced C# classes can still react dynamically to the game loop. ## Example: Static crosshair w/ dynamic C# chatbox ```html <link rel="stylesheet" href="minimalhud.scss"> <div> <text class="title">My Minimal Game</text> <!-- The default chatbox (/addons/base/Code/UI/Chat/ChatBox.cs) --->⤶ <!-- The default chatbox (/addons/base/Code/UI/Chat/ChatBox.cs) -->⤶ <chatbox></chatbox> <!-- A crosshair in just css --> <div style="position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; background-color: white; border-radius: 10px; width: 4px; height: 4px; transform: translate( -50% -50% );"></div> </div> ``` Source: [sbox-minimal - MinimalHud.html](https://github.com/Facepunch/sbox-minimal/blob/5bc57dd049b20bbf81ea0602780ccb40099e3aac/minimal/code/MinimalHud.html) # Advanced UI (dynamic) For more complex scenarios (e.g. HUD's) a UI implementation using C# is recommended (and probably the only good solution). UI components can be implemented using the abstract class `Panel`. This abstract class has a method `override void Tick()` so you can access the game loop. UI components can either be mounted directly or through other UI Components using `RootPanel.AddChild<E>();`. Usually done in the constructor of the class. To add (S)CSS to the components, simply use `RootPanel.StyleSheet.Load( "/ui/PATH_TO_SCSS.scss" );` in the constructor. ## Example: HUD w/ health display Down below you can see an example from the sandbox gamemode. `SandboxHud` implements the `HudEntity<RootPanel>` class and loads a stylesheet and all other UI components. The `Health` class implements `Panel` and adds a bunch of stuff to the UI within its constructor. It also has access to the local player's health within the `Tick`-override, so the UI can be updated accordingly. ```cs using Sandbox; using Sandbox.UI; [Library] public partial class SandboxHud : HudEntity<RootPanel> { public SandboxHud() { if ( !IsClient ) return; RootPanel.StyleSheet.Load( "/ui/SandboxHud.scss" ); RootPanel.AddChild<NameTags>(); RootPanel.AddChild<CrosshairCanvas>(); RootPanel.AddChild<ChatBox>(); RootPanel.AddChild<VoiceList>(); RootPanel.AddChild<KillFeed>(); RootPanel.AddChild<Scoreboard<ScoreboardEntry>>(); RootPanel.AddChild<Health>(); RootPanel.AddChild<InventoryBar>(); RootPanel.AddChild<CurrentTool>(); RootPanel.AddChild<SpawnMenu>(); } } ``` Source: [sandbox - SandboxHud.cs](https://github.com/Facepunch/sandbox/blob/0ae8ada7fae4b3876fd3d82d0385fa72dbacbf6f/code/ui/SandboxHud.cs) ```cs using Sandbox; using Sandbox.UI; using Sandbox.UI.Construct; public class Health : Panel { public Label Label; public Health() { Add.Label( "🩸", "icon" ); Label = Add.Label( "100", "value" ); } public override void Tick() { var player = Local.Pawn; if ( player == null ) return; Label.Text = $"{player.Health:n0}"; } } ``` Source: [sandbox - Health.cs](https://github.com/Facepunch/sandbox/blob/0ae8ada7fae4b3876fd3d82d0385fa72dbacbf6f/code/ui/Health.cs)