Revision Difference
<title>Creating A Game Menu</title>⤶
# What is a game menu?⤶
Not all games are created equal, so it's hard for us to create a menu screen that is suitable for all types of games. But that's cool because we let you create your own 100% custom menu.⤶
Your game menu is responsible for setting the mood of your game and presenting options to help your players get started. ⤶
The simplest menu would just contain a "start game" option. From there you can scale into creating and finding servers, lobbies, statistics, character customization, settings, update news etc.⤶
# Defining Your Menu⤶
When your game is opened in the menu, we look in your game for a `Panel` or `RootPanel` that implements the `Sandbox.Menu.IGameMenuPanel` interface. If we find it, then we create it and that's your main menu.⤶
So to create a main menu panel in plain c#, you'd do something like this.⤶
public class MyMainMenu : RootPanel, Sandbox.Menu.IGameMenuPanel⤶
or to define one in Razor you'd do⤶
@using Sandbox;⤶
@using Sandbox.UI;⤶
@inherits RootPanel⤶
@implements Sandbox.Menu.IGameMenuPanel⤶
<div>Deathmatch 98</div>⤶
From there you can add stylesheets and panels as you would normally define any UI.⤶
# Doing Stuff⤶
Most interactions you're going to do with the game menu are available via the `Game.Menu` global.⤶
// Print the current game package name⤶
Log.Info( Game.Menu.Package.DisplayName );⤶
// Create a new lobby⤶
await Game.Menu.CreateLobbyAsync();⤶
// Name the lobby⤶
Game.Menu.Lobby.Title = "My Awesome Lobby";⤶
// Leave the lobby⤶
// Connect to a server⤶
Game.Menu.ConnectToServer( server );⤶
// Start a server⤶
Game.Menu.StartServerAsync( 8, "My Server", "facepunch.square" );⤶
// Hide the menu, show the game⤶
// Close the game, return to s&box⤶
# Reference⤶
The default "scaffolding" main menu is available in the base addon. If you're wondering how to do something, it might be a good idea to look in there for how we've already done it.⤶
<upload src="1/8db65cf6caa2185.png" size="30346" name="image.png" />