Revision Difference
# info_particle_system⤶
A entity that represents and allows control of a single particle system.⤶
### Keyvalues⤶
**Name (`targetname`)** ⤶
>* The name that other entities refer to this entity by.⤶
**Tags (`tags`)** ⤶
>* A list of general purpose tags for this entity, for interactions with other entities such as triggers.⤶
**Particle System Name (`effect_name`)**⤶
>* The name of the particle system.⤶
**Start Active (`start_active`)**⤶
>* Should this system start active when it enters a player's PVS?⤶
**Snapshot File (`snapshot_file`)**⤶
>* A particle snapshot file to be loaded and used by this particle system. Set to Control Point 0.⤶
**Snapshot Mesh (`snapshot_mesh`)**⤶
>* ID of a mesh in the map to be used to generate a particle snapshot, overriding Snapshot File property. Meshes tied to an entity cannot be used.⤶
**Control Point 0 (`cpoint0`)**⤶
>* If set, control point 0 of the effect will be at this entity's location. (Otherwise, it is at the info_particle_system origin)⤶
**Control Point 1 (`cpointl`)**⤶
>* If set, control point 1 of the effect will be at this entity's location.⤶
**Control Point 2 (`cpoint2`)**⤶
>* If set, control point 2 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 1 is not set, this will be ignored⤶
**Control Point 3 (`cpoint3`)**⤶
**Control Point 4 (`cpoint4`)**⤶
**Control Point 5 (`cpoint5`)**⤶