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<cat>Code.Game</cat> <title>Running multiple instances of the game</title> # Running multiple instances of the game You can run multiple instances of the game to test multiplayer features without the need for other users. - To do this, the game hosting a server needs to run `sv_lan 1`. - Any other client needs to open the game console using either the [backtick/tilde key](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backtick) or by pressing `F1` while running in the editor. - Then simply type `connect localhost` and you'll connect to the server on both clients. - To do this, **both** instances of s&box need to run `sv_lan 1` **before** any games are started. - Next, the hosting client should start up a local game. - Then, simply type `connect localhost` in the console (press F1 for console in non-tools mode) of your non-hosting client to connect. # Things to note - Your Name, Steam ID, etc will be the same, and you can't work around that currently / by design. - Your client will be the same in all instances (name, player id, etc). - You will have to download your game from yourself, which can take time.⤶