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<title>phys_pulleyconstraint</title> # phys_pulleyconstraint A constraint that is essentially two length constraints and two points. Imagine it as a virtual rope connected to two objects, each suspended from a pulley above them. The constraint keeps the sum of the distances between the pulley points and their suspended objects constant. ⤶ ## Code Path⤶ ⤶ Base : `addons\base\code\Entity\Base\BaseConstraint.cs`⤶ ⤶ Entity Code : `addons\base\code\Entity\Hammer\Constraints\PulleyConstraint.cs` ⤶ ⤶ ⤶ ## Keyvalues⤶ ⤶ In code, it is defined in `PulleyConstraint.cs` file under `addons\base\code\Entity\Hammer\Constraints`⤶ ⤶ ## Keyvalues⤶ **Name (`targetname`)** >* The name that other entities refer to this entity by. **Tags (`tags`)** >* A list of general purpose tags for this entity, for interactions with other entities such as triggers. **Pully Posision 2 (`position2`)** >* The position of the pulley for Entity 2. The pulley for Entity 1 is the origin of this constraint entity. Entity 1 is always suspended from pulley point 1, and Entity 2 is always suspended from pulley point. **Entity 1 (`attach1`)** >* The source entity to constrain from. Leave empty to constrain from the world entity. **Entity 2 (`attach2`)** >* The entity we constrain to. **Enable Collision (`enablecollision`)** >* Constraints disable collision between the attached entities. In some rare cases we want to enable this collision. **Impulse Limit to Break (kg) (`forcelimit`)** >* The amount of impulse an impact must apply to the constraint to break it. A way of calculating this is to set it to the mass of an object that would break this constraint if it were resting on the constrainted objects. **Angular Impulse Limit to Break (kg* distance) (`torquelimit`)** >* The amount of angular impulse required to break the constraint. A way of calculating this is to multiply any reference mass by the resting distance (from the center of mass of the object) needed to break the constraint. **Play Sound on Break (`breaksound`)** >* A sound played when the constraint is broken.