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<title>snd_event_point</title> # snd_event_point Plays a sound event from a point. The point can be this entity or a specified entity's position. ### Keyvalues ⤶ + Name (`targetname`) > The name that other entities refer to this entity by. ⤶ + Tags (`tags`) > A list of general purpose tags for this entity, for interactions with other entities such as triggers. ⤶ + Sound Name (`soundname`) > Name of the sound to play. ⤶ + Source Entity Name (`target_destination`) > The entity to use as the origin of the sound playback. If not set, will play from this snd_event_point. ⤶ + Start On Spawn (`startonspawn`) > Start the sound on spawn.⤶ ⤶ + Stop Before Repeat (`stoponnew`) > Stop the sound before starting to play it again.⤶ **Name (`targetname`)** >* The name that other entities refer to this entity by. ⤶ **Tags (`tags`)** >* A list of general purpose tags for this entity, for interactions with other entities such as triggers. ⤶ **Sound Name (`soundname`)**⤶ >* Name of the sound to play. ⤶ **Source Entity Name (`target_destination`)**⤶ >* The entity to use as the origin of the sound playback. If not set, will play from this snd_event_point.⤶ **Start On Spawn (`startonspawn`)**⤶ ⤶ >* Start the sound on spawn.⤶ ⤶ **Stop Before Repeat (`stoponnew`)**⤶ ⤶ >* Stop the sound before starting to play it again.