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<cat>Dev.UI</cat> <title>Events and Input</title> ## Panel Events & Input # Events Panels can listen for events, here's the current list: | Event | Description | |-------------------|-----| | onclick | Called when left clicking on a panel | | onmiddleclick | Called when middle clicking on a panel | | onrightclick | Called when right clicking on a panel | | onmousedown | Called when any mouse button is pressed this frame | | onmouseup | Called when any mouse button is released this frame | | ondoubleclick | Called when a panel is double clicked on | | onmousemove | Called every frame where your mouse is moving inside of a panel | | onmouseover | Called when your mouse enters the bounds of a panel | | onmouseout | Called when your mouse exits the bounds of a panel | | onfocus | Called when the panel comes into focus | | onblur | Called when the panel loses focus | | onback | Called when you click the Back button on your mouse | | onforward | Called when you click the Forward button on your mouse | **Warning**: events will only work on the first root panel you create. **Warning**: You may have to disable pointer events on overlapping transparent GUI elements for events to trigger! ## Usage ```csharp panel.AddEventListener( "onclick", e => Log.Info( "I clicked my panel!" ) ); ``` # Class Overrides All panels have these available virtual methods for you to override, if you choose not to use events. ```csharp protected virtual void OnClick( MousePanelEvent e ) protected virtual void OnMiddleClick( MousePanelEvent e ) protected virtual void OnRightClick( MousePanelEvent e ) protected virtual void OnMouseDown( MousePanelEvent e ) protected virtual void OnMouseUp( MousePanelEvent e ) protected virtual void OnMouseMove( MousePanelEvent e ) protected virtual void OnDoubleClick( MousePanelEvent e ) protected virtual void OnMouseOver( MousePanelEvent e ) protected virtual void OnMouseOut( MousePanelEvent e ) protected virtual void OnBack( PanelEvent e ) protected virtual void OnForward( PanelEvent e ) protected virtual void OnFocus( PanelEvent e ) protected virtual void OnBlur( PanelEvent e ) ```