Revision Difference
<title>VR Input</title>⤶
# VR Input⤶
Input from VR is available both clientside and serverside in Simulate() all through Input.VR.⤶
## Hands⤶
<upload src="a5727/8dabdcb06b430d5.mp4" size="6096770" name="vrhands.mp4" />⤶
Both hands are represented as Input.VR.LeftHand and Input.VR.RightHand, this struct contains the position and rotation of each hand.⤶
// Replicate the transform of the left hand onto the entity⤶
Entity.Transform = Input.VR.LeftHand.Transform;⤶
You can access the inputs for each hand's controller. This is generic to to support as much of the mainstream controllers as possible.⤶
public override void Simulate( Client cl )⤶
if ( Input.VR.RightHand.ButtonA.IsPressed )⤶
// Do something when the A button on the ⤶
## Finger Tracking⤶
<upload src="a5727/8dabdcb132ecd84.mp4" size="5152720" name="vrfingertracking.mp4" />⤶
You can get the finger curl and splay, which allows you to pose the fingers to match your real life fingers in game.⤶
var curl = Input.VR.LeftHand.GetFingerValue( FingerValue.ThumbCurl );⤶
var splay = Input.VR.LeftHand.GetFingerValue( FingerValue.ThumbIndexSplay );⤶
curl = Input.VR.LeftHand.GetFingerCurl( 0 ); // 0 - 4⤶
splay = Input.VR.LeftHand.GetFingerSplay( 0 ); // 0 - 3⤶
## Head⤶
Head mounted device position and rotation can also be access simply through Input.VR.Head. ⤶
## Trackers⤶
<upload src="a5727/8dabdcb19fdb1ab.mp4" size="3405378" name="vrtrackers.mp4" />⤶
You can get the position and rotation of any [puck trackers](, and also your base stations if you're not using a quest.⤶
foreach( var trackedObject in Input.VR.TrackedObjects )⤶
DebugOverlay.Axis( trackedObject.Transform.Position, trackedObject.Transform.Rotation );⤶
# Haptics⤶
<note>These are clientside only currently</note>⤶
Haptic vibrations can be triggered per hand using Input.VrHand.TriggerHapticVibration you can call this as often as you like, if a haptic event is already running it will be interrupted immediately.⤶
// Pulse right hand haptics with an amplitude scaled from velocity⤶
Input.VR.RightHand.TriggerHapticVibration( 0f, 200.0f, Math.Clamp( 0.4f + Velocity.Length / 500f, 0.4f, 0.8f ) );⤶
Something to consider is different controllers have different limitations to their haptics, something I've noticed with Oculus controllers is the frequency is a lot less responsive than other controllers for example.