S&box Wiki

User Changes: NotGaylien

1 Year Ago
automatic_model_setup - Created Page
Animgraph_breakdown - chopping this down, slightly easier to consume
loading_screen - mentioned resources and them being with menu resources
creating_a_gamemenu - Minor Change
2 Years Ago
Scene_System - created basic shit awful putrid page
material_attributes - Created basic loser awful Page + Minor Change + Minor Change
proton - hehe funny fancy WARNING!!
3 Years Ago
Camera - i am illiterate
Using_Dynamic_Expressions - Created Page
Player_Animator - update to latest refactor
Camera - update to the new CameraMode Component + Minor Change (woops)
Animgraph_breakdown - Minor Change
Animgraph_breakdown - Created Page
Dev_Tools - shitty video (now people should not struggle to find the tools)
4 Years Ago
Dev_Tools - better name
Dev_Tools - Created shitty wip Page + Minor Change + another Minor Change
PhysicsHullFromRender - Minor Change
Bodygroups - overhauled the guide
guide_to_making_materials - Minor Change
PhysicsHullFromRender - Minor Change
Understanding_Emmiters_Initializers_&_Operators - Created Page + Minor Change
guide_to_making_materials - Minor Change + Minor Change
guide_to_making_materials - Minor Change
Importing_a_new_model - made the material editor part its own page since its not modeldoc
guide_to_making_materials - Created Page + Minor Change
Importing_a_new_model - Minor Change
PhysicsHullFromRender - added more useful info to it + Minor Change