S&box Wiki

Collaborating With Prefabs and Git History

21 Days Ago
by Bozy
1 Year Ago
Collaborating_With_Prefabs_and_Git - Leaving the git attributes and ignore for now
by Aleph
Collaborating_With_Prefabs_and_Git - Changed the Pull Request section to its own subheader, bulleted list.
by Aleph
Collaborating_With_Prefabs_and_Git - Removed redundant text. Added explanation for branches. + Changed header "quick and dirty guide to git", moved "Git and Hammer Workflow", added "Git commands and configuration" for .ignore and .gitattributes files
by Aleph
Collaborating_With_Prefabs_and_Git - Fixed the git explanation.
by Aleph
Collaborating_With_Prefabs_and_Git - Created Page, added foundation + Minor Change, redundant words and spellcheck
by Aleph