Revision Difference
<title>Constant Buffers</title>
# What are constant buffers
Constant buffer or "cbuffers" as known by HLSL is a buffer/struct which is stored in GPU memory and can be accessed within your shader. Once the file is included you should be able to access the cbuffer like a regular variable within your shader.
An example of its usage can be seen below:
#include "common/shared.hlsl" // Contains PerViewConstantBuffer_t
#include "common/vertex.hlsl"
// Main
PixelInput o = ProcessVertex( i );
o.vPositionWs.z += sin(g_flTime) * 5.0f; // wiggle
return FinalizeVertex( o );
# Settings constant buffers in code
Constant buffers are set using the `RenderAttributes.SetData` function. Much like the other attributes you only need to pass the data itself to the attribute.
struct MyData
public float SomeFloat;
public Vector3 SomeVector;
// ...
MyData myStuff = new();
myStuff.SomeFloat = 10.0f;
myStuff.SomeVector = Vector3.One;
Attributes.SetData( "MyConstBuffer_t", myStuff );
And accessing it within shaders is as simple as:
#include "common/vertex.hlsl"
struct MyConstBuffer_t
cbuffer MyConstBuffer_t
float SomeFloat;
float3 SomeVector;
// Main
PixelInput o = ProcessVertex( i );
o.vPositionWs += SomeVector * SomeFloat; // Use our constbuffer values!
return FinalizeVertex( o );
# Built-in constant buffer
## PerViewConstantBuffer_t
Usage: `#include "common/shared.hlsl"`
| Type | Field | Note |
| float4x4 | g_matWorldToProjection | |
| float4x4 | g_matProjectionToWorld | |
| float4x4 | g_matWorldToView | |
| float4x4 | g_matViewToProjection | |
| float4 | g_vInvProjRow3 | |
| float4 | g_vClipPlane0 | |
| float | g_flToneMapScalarLinear | |
| float | g_flLightMapScalar | |
| float | g_flEnvMapScalar | |
| float | g_flToneMapScalarGamma | |
| float3 | g_vCameraPositionWs | The world position of the camera |
| float | g_flViewportMinZ | |
| float3 | g_vCameraDirWs | The current camera direction |
| float | g_flViewportMaxZ | |
| float3 | g_vCameraUpDirWs | |
| float | g_flTime | The time since the client has connected |
| float3 | g_vDepthPsToVsConversion | |
| float | g_flNearPlane | NearZ |
| float | g_flFarPlane | FarZ |
| float | g_flLightBinnerFarPlane | |
| float2 | g_vInvViewportSize | |
| float2 | g_vViewportToGBufferRatio | |
| float2 | g_vMorphTextureAtlasSize | |
| float4 | g_vInvGBufferSize | |
| float | g_flOOTransformTextureWidth | |
| float | g_flOOTransformTextureHeight | |
| float2 | g_vViewportOffset | |
| float2 | g_vViewportSize | |
| float2 | g_vRenderTargetSize | |
| float | g_flFogBlendToBackground | |
| float | g_flHenyeyGreensteinCoeff | |
| float3 | g_vFogColor | |
| float | g_flNegFogStartOverFogRange | |
| float | g_flInvFogRange | |
| float | g_flFogMaxDensity | |
| float | g_flFogExponent | |
| float | g_flMod2xIdentity | |
| float2 | g_bRoughnessParams | |
| bool | g_bUseRoughnessCone | |
| bool | g_bUseRoughnessEllipse | |
| float | g_bStereoEnabled | |
| float | g_flStereoCameraIndex | |
| float3 | g_vMiddleEyePositionWs | |
| float | g_flPad2 | Padding for alignment, unused |
| float4x4 | g_matWorldToProjectionMultiview[ 2 ] | |
| float4 | g_vCameraPositionWsMultiview[ 2 ] | |
| float4 | g_vFrameBufferCopyInvSizeAndUvScale | |
| float4 | g_vCameraAngles | |
| float4 | g_vWorldToCameraOffset | |
| float4 | g_vWorldToCameraOffsetMultiview[ 2 ] | |
| float4 | g_vPerViewConstantExtraData0 | |
| float4 | g_vPerViewConstantExtraData1 | |
| float4 | g_vPerViewConstantExtraData2 | |
| float4 | g_vPerViewConstantExtraData3 | |
| float4x4 | m_matPrevProjectionToWorld | |
## PerViewConstantBufferVR_t
Usage: `#include "common/shared.hlsl"`
| Type | Field | Note |
| bool | g_bVolumetricFogEnabled | |
| bool | g_bGradientFogEnabled | |
| bool | g_bCubemapFogEnabled | |
| bool | g_bSphericalVignetteEnabled | |
| bool | g_bAmbientOcclusionProxiesEnabled | |
| float4 | g_vAoProxyDownres | |
| float | g_flExcitationAmount | Xen animations |
| float | g_flDepressionAmount | Xen animations |
| float4 | g_vWindDirection | Current wind direction |
| float | g_flWindSpeed | Current wind speed |
| float4 | g_vInteractionProjectionOrigin | |
| float4 | g_vInteractionVolumeInvExtents | |
| float4 | g_vInteractionTriggerVolumeInvMins | |
| float4 | g_vInteractionTriggerVolumeWorldToVolumeScale | |
| float4 | g_vGradientFogBiasAndScale | |
| float4 | m_vGradientFogExponents | |
| float4 | g_vGradientFogColor_Opacity | |
| float4 | g_vGradientFogCullingParams | |
| float | g_flCubeFogOffset | |
| float | g_flCubeFogScale | |
| float | g_flCubeFogBias | |
| float | g_flCubeFogExponent | |
| float | g_flCubeFogHeightOffset | |
| float | g_flCubeFogHeightScale | |
| float | g_flCubeFogHeightExponent | |
| float | g_flCubeMapSizeLog2 | |
| float4x4 | g_matvCubeFogSkyWsToOs | |
| float4 | g_vCubeFogCullingParams | |
| float4 | g_vSphericalVignetteBiasAndScale | |
| float4 | g_vSphericalVignetteOrigin_Exponent | |
| float4 | g_vSphericalVignetteColor_Opacity | |
| float | g_flVolFogNearClipPlane | |
| float | g_flVolFogClipPlaneRange | |
| float4 | g_vVolFogDitherScaleBias | |
| float4 | g_vVolFogPostWorldToFrustumScale | |
| float4 | g_vVolFogPostWorldToFrustumBias | |
| float4x4 | g_mVolFogFromWorld[ 2 ] | |
| float4 | g_vHighPrecisionLightingOffsetWs | |