Revision Difference
<title>Creating and uploading addons</title>
# Creating an addon
Creating an addon is as simple as just using the [Addon Manager]( in the <page>editor</page>.
Creating an addon is as simple as just using the [Addon Manager](Editor#addonmanager) in the <page>editor</page>.
>>> Simply do **'Add' > 'Create New'** or <key>CTRL</key> + <key>N</key> .
<upload src="a768a/8da748d18afa0a3.png" size="19735" name="sbox-dev_hoebM3dlBg.png" />
>>> Then select the type of addon you wish to create, give it a name and set a location for where the addon should be stored whitch by defualt will be in your **Documents folder** under **S&box Projects**
<upload src="a768a/8da748c3aa49dec.png" size="36446" name="Nfayjy0ELB.png" />
Now you should have a new addon ready for editing! You'll find it where ever you saved it to.
#Uploading an addon
Uploading an addon is also done through the [Addon Manager](
Uploading an addon is also done through the [Addon Manager](Editor#addonmanager).
To upload an addon, you'll need to set an **Organisation** to upload to, if you don't have one you can make one here. Once thats all is said and done click on the save icon highlighted in blue below.
<upload src="a768a/8da7492cbce09c1.png" size="35297" name="sbox-dev_utFgPM41kf4.png" />
Then when you are ready to upload to the **** you can do so.
<upload src="a768a/8da7498640cb961.png" size="21342" name="addon-manager-uploading.png" />
#Managing addons
You can further manage your addons through the [DevSite]( can further manage your addons through the [DevSite](DevPreview#devsite)