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<cat>Code.Misc</cat> <title>From Lua to C#</title> # What is this guide This is meant to give an idea of the major differences between Lua and C#. # Comments ```lua -- Lua comments start with two minus signs --[[ Lua multiline comment example --]] ``` ```csharp // C# comments start with two slashes, like most other languages /* C# multiline comment example */ ``` # Global Variables ```lua -- you can define globals anywhere in Lua globalVar = 100 ``` ```csharp public class MyClass { // in C# globals need to be in a class public static int GlobalVar = 100; } ``` # Variable Types ```lua -- variables in Lua don't have a static type and can store any data local a = 100 a = "Hello" a = function() print( "Hi" ) end ``` ```csharp var a = 100; // translated as "int a = 100;" because 100 is an int a = "Hello"; // error: can't assign a string to an int ``` # Type conversion ```lua local a = 123 local b = tostring( a ) -- "123" local c = tonumber( b ) -- 123 ``` ```csharp var a = 123; var b = a.ToString(); // "123" var c = int.Parse(b); // 123, will throw an exception if 'b' isn't int-ish // operator 'as' converts an object reference or returns 'null' on failure var vehicle = new Car() as Vehicle; // downcast Car reference to Vehicle var car = vehicle as Car; // upcast Vehicle reference to Car ``` # Numbers ```lua local a = 100 a = 5.5 a = -300.1 ``` ```csharp // integer types are sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong // each hold a different range of values (byte holds 0 to 255 for example, while ushort holds 0 to 65535) // (u)nsigned integer types are unsigned and can only hold positive values. int a = -300; uint b = 333333; // decimal types are float, double, decimal double d = -500.888; ``` # Strings ```lua local str = "Hello" local str2 = 'Hello2' local multilineStr = [[ Hello Multiline ]] print(#str) -- 5, string length local concated = "I have " .. 3 .. " apples!" local formatted = string.format( "I have %d apples!", 3 ) ``` ```csharp var str = "Hello"; var singleChar = 'a'; // single quotes are for a single character, not a string var multilineStr = @" Hello Multiline "; // putting '@' before a string literal makes it a verbatim string literal Console.WriteLine(str.Length); // 5, string length var concated = "I have " + 3 + " apples!"; // {0} and {1} here correspond to the order of value arguments // argument number 0 is '3' and argument number 1 is '2' var formatted = string.Format("I have {0} apples and {1} oranges!", 3, 2); // putting '$' before a string allows interpolating values into it using '{value}' var interpolated = $"I have {3} apples!"; ``` # Collections ```lua local numbers = { 1, 2, 3 } local strings = { "Oh", "Hi", "Mark" } local stats = { ["playerKills"] = 10, ["playerDeaths"] = 5, } ``` ```csharp // arrays are declared by appending [] to any type. // you must tell the compiler how much they can hold, in this case, 3 elements. // you cannot add or remove elements from arrays. var numbers = new int[3] { 1, 2, 3 }; // lists behave similarly to arrays, but can also be resized. // this means you can add and remove elements from them. // since they are generic, you must tell the type it holds between angle brackets. var strings = new List<string> { "Oh", "Hi", "Mark" }; // dictionaries are basically the equivalent of a table in Lua, you assign a value to a key. // a notable difference from Lua however, is that you cannot attempt to access a key that doesn't exist. // that will cause an exception. // Like lists, you can add and remove keys from the Dictionary using Add/Remove. var stats = new Dictionary<string, int> { { "playerKills", 10 }, { "playerDeaths", 5 }, }; // stats["playerKills"] is valid // stats["someOtherString"] will cause an exception. ``` # Member Access In Lua anything is accessible from anywhere as long as you have a reference. ```lua -- myFile.lua myTable = { field = 100 } ``` ```lua -- otherFile.lua print( myTable.field ) -- 100 ``` In C# things can be **public**, **private**, **protected** and **internal**. ```csharp // MyClass.cs public class MyClass { public static void PublicMethod() { ... } protected static void ProtectedMethod() { ... } private static void PrivateMethod() { ... } internal static void InternalMethod() { ... } } ``` ```csharp // OtherClass.cs public class OtherClass : MyClass { public static void Test() { MyClass.PublicMethod(); // OK MyClass.ProtectedMethod(); // we inherit from MyClass so OK MyClass.PrivateMethod(); // error: PrivateMethod is private MyClass.InternalMethod(); // OK, because we are in the same addon (other addons won't be able to). } } ``` # Arrays <validate></validate> # For Loops ##Lua In Lua there are two **for** types, numeric and generic. ```lua -- numeric local str = "" for i=1,5 do if (i ~= 5) then str = str .. tostring(i) .. ", " else str = str .. tostring(i) end end print(str) -- outputs "1, 2, 3, 4, 5" ``` The generic for loop allows you to traverse all values returned by an iterator function. ```lua -- generic -- ipairs() iteriates only through numbers indexes local str = "" local a = {"a", "b", "c", key = "e", key2 = "f", "d"} for i,v in ipairs(a) do if (i ~= #a) then str = str .. v .. ", " else str = str .. v end end print(str) -- "a, b, c, d" ``` ```lua --[[ pairs() iteriates through all, but number indexes first and then all keys. However while the number indexes are in order, the key indexes are not. Lua does not guarantee the order of the key indexes. However, you can reinsert keys into a table and use table.sort() but it can not sort the way on how they were written up in the table. So don't rely on the position if the keys have a weird name. ⤶ -- pairs() iteriates through all, but number indexes first and then all keys. Lua does not guarantee the order of the key indexes. While the number indexes are in order, the key indexes are not. However there is table.sort(), but it can not sort the way on how they were written up in the table. --]] local str = "" local a = {"a", "b", "c", key = "e", key2 = "f", "d"} for k,v in pairs(a) do if not (next(a,k) == nil) then str = str .. v .. ", " else str = str .. v end end print(str) -- can output "a, b, c, d, e, f" or "a, b, c, d, f, e" ``` ## C#  In C# for loops work differently.