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<cat>Code.VR</cat> <title>Getting Started</title> # Basic Player Setup ## Tracking First things first, create an empty gameobject to be your player, and add the **VR Anchor component**. This will represent the center of your play space. <upload src="b4aa4/8dc1911f2b4650f.png" size="14409" name="image.png" /> Now for a head and hands, create **Head**, **Left Hand**, and **Right Hand** gameobjects, then add a **VR Tracked Object** component to each, setting the **Pose Source** property to the matching controller or headset. <upload src="b4aa4/8dc19127bd27a63.png" size="18858" name="image.png" /> ## Visuals So you're done! except, you can't see anything, So lets add some visuals. If you don't have a camera in the scene, create one, then parent it to the **Head** gameobject so it follows your head movements, make sure that within the camera you select both the **LeftEye** and the **RightEye** in the **Target Eye** property, Now for each hand, grab a hand model and parent it to the corresponding hand object, and add the **VR Hand** component with the correct hand set in the **Hand Source** property. This should add finger tracking to the hand models, if they are rigged correctly. So you're done! except, you can't see anything, So lets add some visuals. If you don't have a camera in the scene, create one, then parent it to the **Head** gameobject so it follows your head movements, make sure that within the camera you select both the **LeftEye** and the **RightEye** in the **Target Eye** property, and reset the transform of the camera. ⤶ Now for each hand, grab a hand model and parent it to the corresponding hand object, and add the **VR Hand** component with the correct hand set in the **Hand Source** property. This should add finger tracking to the hand models, if they are rigged correctly.⤶ <upload src="b5422/8dc21127549b7f3.png" size="1575" name="Screenshot 2024-01-29 213555.png" /> <upload src="b4aa4/8dc19130a2e6863.png" size="32818" name="image.png" /> After all that, you should have a basic VR player, and your setup should look something like this. <upload src="b4aa4/8dc191323cbf00d.png" size="2811" name="image.png" />