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<title>UI Basics</title>
# Basics
UI entities are implemented using HTML and/or C#. Entities can be styled using SCSS, a preprocessor scripting language that is interpreted/compiled into Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). This is done out of the box.
# Simple UI (static or hybrid)
For static entities without any dynamic component (static banner, simple non-changing crosshair, etc.) HTML UI might be sufficient.
You can still reference C# classes within the HTML using regular HTML-Tags. The referenced C# classes can still react dynamically to the game loop.
## Example: Static crosshair w/ dynamic C# chatbox
<link rel="stylesheet" href="minimalhud.scss">
<text class="title">My Minimal Game</text>
<!-- A crosshair in just css -->
<div style="position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; background-color: white; border-radius: 10px; width: 4px; height: 4px; transform: translate( -50% -50% );"></div>
# Advanced UI (dynamic)
For more complex scenarios (e.g. HUD's) a UI implementation using C# is recommended (and probably the only good solution).
UI components can be implemented using the abstract class `Panel`. This abstract class has a method `override void Tick()` so you can access the game loop.
UI components can either be mounted directly or through other UI Components using `RootPanel.AddChild<E>();`. Usually done in the constructor of the class.
To add (S)CSS to the components, simply use `RootPanel.StyleSheet.Load( "/ui/PATH_TO_SCSS.scss" );` in the constructor.
## Example: HUD w/ health display
Down below you can see an example from the sandbox gamemode.
`SandboxHud` implements the `HudEntity<RootPanel>` class and loads a stylesheet and all other UI components.
The `Health` class implements `Panel` and adds a bunch of stuff to the UI within its constructor.
It also has access to the local player's health within the `Tick`-override, so the UI can be updated accordingly.
using Sandbox;
using Sandbox.UI;
public partial class SandboxHud : HudEntity<RootPanel>
public SandboxHud()
if ( !IsClient )
RootPanel.StyleSheet.Load( "/ui/SandboxHud.scss" );
Source: [sandbox - SandboxHud.cs](
using Sandbox;
using Sandbox.UI;
using Sandbox.UI.Construct;
public class Health : Panel
public Label Label;
public Health()
Label = Add.Label( "100", "value" );
public override void Tick()
var player = Local.Pawn;
if ( player == null ) return;
Label.Text = $"{player.Health.CeilToInt()}";
Source: [sandbox - Health.cs](
# Troubleshooting Panels⤶
If a panel is not behaving as expected you can troubleshoot it using the Panel Inspector. First, in the S&box editor, make sure the Panel Inspector is enabled by ticking View->Panels.⤶
<upload src="b0cef/8da8cf24eac2629.png" size="13513" name="image.png" />⤶
If you run the game in the editor you will then be able to inspect panels in real-time.⤶
<upload src="b0cef/8da8cf2a67adf22.png" size="363249" name="image.png" />