Revision Difference
# func_precipitation⤶
A solid entity that creates rain and snow inside is volume.⤶
`This entity requires a mesh to function`⤶
In code, it is defined in the `PrecipitationEntity.cs` file under `addons\base\code\Entity\Hammer\Effects`.⤶
## Keyvalues⤶
**Name (`targetname`)** ⤶
>* The name that other entities refer to this entity by.⤶
**Tags (`tags`)** ⤶
>* A list of general purpose tags for this entity, for interactions with other entities such as triggers.⤶
**Particle Effect Inner Near (`innerneareffect`)**⤶
>* Particle effect to be placed at "Inner Near Distance" away from the view.⤶
**Particle Effect Inner Far (`innerfareffect`)**⤶
>* Particle effect to be placed at "Inner Far Distance" away from the view.⤶
**Particle Effect Outer (`outereffect`)**⤶
>* Particle effect to be placed at the current view's position.⤶
**Inner Near Distance (`innerneardistance`)**⤶
>* How far in front of player's view to place the "near" effect.⤶
**Inner Far Distance (`innerfardistance`)**⤶
>* How far in front of player's view to place the "far" effect.⤶
**Particle Tint (`particletint`)**⤶
>* Set the Tint of the Particle, which will set control point 4 on the particle system.⤶
**Start On (`is running`)**⤶
>* Sets if the particles are running by default⤶
**Fade Time (`fadingtime`)**⤶
>* Sets the time particles take to fade in or out when turned on or off.⤶
**Density (`density`)**⤶
>* Set the Density of the Particle, which will set control point 3 on the particle system.