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<cat>Code.Network</cat> <title>Http Requests</title> # Http Requests S&box provides a static [Http](https://asset.party/api/Sandbox.Http) class, this lets you easily create asynchronous Http requests of different methods (GET/POST/DELETE, etc..) providing JSON content and parsing JSON responses. ## Allowed Urls You can only use http/https urls to domains (no ip addresses). And to prevent abuse; localhost is permitted only on ports 80/443/8080/8443. <note>The command line switch `-allowlocalhttp` will let you access any local url from the server.</note> ## Cheat sheet Some common things you might want to do ```csharp // GET request that returns the response as a string string response = await Http.RequestStringAsync( "https://google.com" ); // POST request of JSON content ignoring any response await Http.RequestAsync( "https://api.facepunch.com/my/method", "POST", Http.CreateJsonContent( playerData ) ); await Http.RequestAsync( "POST", "https://api.facepunch.com/my/method", Http.CreateJsonContent( playerData ) ); ```