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<cat>Play.Intro</cat> <title>Proton</title> # Proton All information regarding running and developing S&Box on Linux will described here. # Running Steam > Library > Right Click S&Box > Click Properties <upload src="9831e/8d9d38bda11273e.png" size="36050" name="asdf.png" /> Compatibility > Click Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool > Select Proton Experimental Currently `Proton Experimental` works best, if this doesn't work try a different version. <upload src="9831e/8d9d38c4b3de597.png" size="107372" name="image.png" /> You will need to use one of these methods to be able to play in any map ``` Temporary method: sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=16777216 Permanent method: sudo bash -c 'echo "\nvm.max_map_count = 16777216\n" > /etc/sysctl.d/20-sbox-max_map_count.conf && sysctl --system' sudo bash -c 'echo "vm.max_map_count = 16777216" > /etc/sysctl.d/20-sbox-max_map_count.conf && sysctl --system' ``` You will also need to use this method to be able to play any games in s&box ``` 1. If not already done, set up flatpak (https://flatpak.org/setup/) 2. flatpak install flathub com.github.Matoking.protontricks 3. flatpak run --branch=stable com.github.Matoking.protontricks 590830 win8 ``` # Developing ## Creating your first addon ``` cd ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/sbox/addons git clone https://github.com/Facepunch/sbox-minimal.git my-addon cd my-addon rm -rf .git ``` ## sbox-dev At the time of writing *(Jan 2022)* you can launch s&box development executable but it is very buggy and is known to crash randomly. Steam > Library > Right Click S&Box > Click Properties > General > Add `-tools` to Launch Options <upload src="9831e/8d9d38d29c48c70.png" size="146265" name="image.png" /> To run s&box developer mode, you will need to follow these steps 0. If not already done, set up flatpak (https://flatpak.org/setup/) 1. Install protontricks via flatpak with ``` flatpak install flathub com.github.Matoking.protontricks ``` 2. Install a directx dependency with ``` flatpak run --branch=stable com.github.Matoking.protontricks 590830 d3dcompiler_47 ``` 3. Run sbox-dev.exe with ``` flatpak run --branch=stable com.github.Matoking.protontricks --no-runtime --no-bwrap -c "wine sbox-dev.exe" 590830 ``` 4. S&box dev mode should start and stay open until you close it or crashes as it so usually does on Linux. 5. After closing, should Steam still display s&box as running, you have to exit out of steam completely to stop it.