S&box Wiki

Proton History

3 Months Ago
proton - Fix strange grammar and random capitalisation
proton - Minor Change
by Bozy
4 Months Ago
proton - Major Change + Minor Change
by linus77
6 Months Ago
proton - Huge changes as a lot of this is outdated. Need to improve later later if there is anything new
by Kaydax
1 Year Ago
proton - Cleanup some old formatting
proton - Added Vulkan section
proton - Added commands for system-wide protontricks
proton - Added how to fix no input
by Myxa
proton - Minor Change
by Kaydax
proton - Add WINEDEBUG example to produce smaller log files
by Kaydax
proton - Added troubleshooting seection and useful links.
by zoomer
proton - Fix permanent method command for setting vm.max_map_count
by Kaydax
2 Years Ago
proton - Add a way to use developer mode and add a fix for WebSockets bug
by Vysp3r
proton - hehe funny fancy WARNING!!
proton - Modify the fix for running s&box on Linux + Add a warning about a crash scenario on Linux
by Vysp3r
proton - Add fix for running s&box on Linux
by Vysp3r
3 Years Ago
proton - Minor Change
proton - Added creating your first addon + Minor Change + Minor Change
by Lyr
proton - Created Page + Minor Change + Minor Change
by Lyr