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<cat>Dev.Material</cat> <title>Source 1 Material Porting</title> <note>The "Character" Shaders from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive will not work properly with this method. You will not get the same results like in CS:GO. The "character" shader in CS:GO, is a Source 2 thing put inside Source 1, similar to the Dota 2 materials, which uses Source 2 format. Which the script does not support, also note it is still "buggy", also is not included in the README. See: * [$masks1](https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/$masks1) * [$masks2](https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/$masks2) * [Material Editor](https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Dota_2_Workshop_Tools/Materials/Material_Editor) </note> ⤶ <validate>⤶ Move this page to "Porting multiple Materials from Source 1 Games at once", or similar?⤶ ⤶ Is this method appropriate or does Material Editor support multiple files?⤶ </validate>⤶ ⤶ <warning>While you can do this you probably shouldn't. But if you're porting from your own Source 1 projects you should be fine. Though remaking the materials to better suit Physically Based Rendering (PBR) would still be a better route.</warning>⤶ #To convert and import the textures: + [source1import](https://github.com/kristiker/source1import) + the gameinfo.txt from the source 1 game your importing from. #To convert the materials ###Step 1 + place the gameinfo.txt in in a folder with your materials that you will be importing. <upload src="a768a/8da73da8e2cbd34.png" size="11106" name="explorer_s31lyKDE1D.png" /> ###Step 2 + Click on the three `...` to the right of "import game" Browse to the materials that you will be importing. + Tick `Import Textures` & `Import Mateials`. + Click on go. <upload src="a768a/8da73db3dcebc83.png" size="62719" name="source1import_ubGRDq8dPp.png" /> # Moving Files You are now going to notice a new folder: *_imported next to the folder that you put your original files into. It is going to contain all of the newly ported materials ready for Source 2! But we are still not done, we need to add them to the game! To do so, copy the materials folder to your created add-ons folder or the game content folder located at steamapps/common/Half-Life Alyx/content/materials If done correctly, all of them should show up in the Source Workshop Tools Assets list! ![Asset Browser](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/business20/uploads/facepunch1/original/3X/a/e/aec7a1e2d7565f6db875faf084c72dd93e866459.jpeg) cs_assault materials ported from Counter-Strike: Source. # Credits Original guide made by user *[noonforme](https://forum.facepunch.com/u/noonforme)* can be found [here](https://forum.facepunch.com/t/texture-and-material-porting-to-source-2/242845) on the Facepunch forums.