Cinematic Animations

Cinematic Animation Commands
These commands are currently a work in progress and mostly used internally for video specific projects.
Play Animation
Use the following command to trigger a player cinematic animation:
cinematic_play <anim name> <optional playername/id> <optional speed>
A list of publicly available cinematic animations can be found by using the list command.
The optional player name/id parameter can be either a player or bot name. If no player name is parsed, the animation playback will be set to the player triggering the command.
The optional speed parameter will adjust the playback rate of the animation. 1.0
= 100%, 0.5
= 50%, etc.
Stop Animation
Use the command cinematic_stop <optional playername/id>
to stop playback of a cinematic animation. The player animation will be returned to an idle state.
Same as the play command, the stop command can either be assigned to a player or bot name. If no player name is parsed, the animation of the current player triggering the command will stop.
Animation List
Use the command cinematic_list
to print a list of all the available cinematic animation names and the total length for each animation. Below is a list of the current available animation names:
- idle_stand
- point
- thumbsup
- victory
- wave
- preview_thirsty_all
- preview_hurt_arm_all
- preview_choking_all
- preview_cold_all
- preview_fatigued_all
- skydiving_land
- droproll_01
- hardfall_01
- hat_tip
- Debug_TPose
- Debug_APose
- idle_stand_handcuff
- idle_stand_handcuff_nonloop
- sleeping
- loot_ground_start
- loot_ground_exit
- loot_ground_loop
- wounded
- wounded_loop
- climb_idle
- loot_ground_1
- loot_ground_2
- loot_ground_3
- loot_ground_4
- sit_boat_passenger
- sit_down
- stand_up
- talk_01
- talk_02
- talk_02_sitting
- talk_03
- talk_04
- talk_05
- talk_06 (Staging branch - commit 93993)
- bow_01
- exclaim_01
- scared_01
- inventory_idle
Some animations play in a loop.
Server Previewing
Use the server convar server.cinematic 1
to allow all players on the server to preview triggered cinematic animations. By default the player/administrator calling the cinematic_play
command can only see the animations client side.
Cinematic Gestures
You can also use the gesture
command to play certain cinematic animations.
This system supports upper body animations, allowing you to move and look around whilst the animation is playing.
Here's an example with showing some talking animations being used in cinematic gestures:
Playing Cinematic Gestures
To play a cinematic gesture, use gesture name
- replace "name" with the cinematic gesture/animation name.
For example gesture talk_05
will play a talking animation on your player as a gesture.
Note: If you call another cinematic gesture whilst one is playing, the current animation will transition to the new animation.
Cinematic Gesture List
Use the command list_cinematic_gestures
to print out a list of cinematic animations which can be used with the gesture
Below is a list of the current available cinematic gesture animation names:
- talk_01
- talk_02
- talk_03
- talk_04
- talk_05
- exclaim_01
- hat_tip
- hold_relaxed
Holdtype Gestures
Using gesture hold_relaxed
will play a looping relaxed animation pose - similar to how Scientist NPCs hold their weapons whilst idling.
This gesture dynamically works across different weapon and item holdtypes. Pressing your "attack" or "secondary attack" key will stop the gesture.