Useful Console Commands
Feel free to contribute but I must ask that you follow the styling format that has already been used :)
Finding commands

If you need a command but don't remember its full name, you can use find [text]
command. It will show a full list of available commands, variables and descriptions that matches your request. You can search for any kind of collection of symbols, words and etc.
Server commands
Some commands are only designed to be used through the server console but can be used via a client with admin if prefixed with "sv", eg, the say
command that broadcasts a message in chat from the server can be only be used by the client by doing sv say
Some commands have different functionalities if they are prefixed with "sv", eg, the quit
command that normally closes the client can be prefixed with "sv" to save and close the server by doing sv quit
Deleting assets/prefabs from the server
You may find that some entities you cannot regularly use ent kill
on to remove them after they've spawned.
You can, however, use the del
command followed by the entity's/asset's path. For instance, if you want to delete the banditcamp airwolf vendor (for some reason?) you can use del assets/prefabs/npc/bandit/shopkeepers/bandit_conversationalist.prefab
You can also do similar if you want to remove all bears from the server del assets/prefabs/npc/bear/bear_full.prefab
Finding asset/prefab paths
If you look at the entity you want to find the path of and use the console command debug.lookingat
you will get the path returned to you in F1 console.
First use console.clear
, then use debug.lookingat
on the entity you want the path of, lastly use console.copy
to copy the path.
Pasting your clipboard elsewhere will make it easier to extract the path from what you copied from console
You can also take a look at Corrosionhour's prefab list
Most useful command list
Command | Functionality | Parameter info | Requires admin? |
admintime 1-24 | Sets the time of day to this hour for your player only | Input -1 to reset to the server's regular time | Yes |
ban steam64ID <username> <reason> <duration> | Bans a player from the server. Set username as a nickname you will remember this player by, reason to why you're banning them and an optional duration of when the ban will expire | Input duration using a value followed by a time indicator. Eg, 1M7d5m will keep them banned for 1 month, 7 days and 5 minutes from when you banned them | Yes |
banid Steam64ID <name> <reason> <duration> | Bans a player from the server with a reason using Steam64ID. Does not require the player to be on the server | Yes | |
banlistex | Returns a list of banned users with reasons and names | Yes | |
bans | Lists banned users | Yes | |
benchmark | Runs a benchmark simulation of many parts of the game to see how well you can run the game | ||
bradley.quickrespawn | Respawns the bradley APC in launchsite, does not create a second APC | Yes | |
combatlog <Steam64ID> | Displays recent damage information for what the player damaged and what the player was damaged by | Optional Steam64ID for admins to see other player's combatlog | Only with another player |
connect IP:Port | Allows you to connect to a server if you have its IP address and Port | If this is a locally hosted server you can replace the IP with "localhost" | |
connecthidden IP:Port | Allows you to connect to a server if you have its IP address and Port but the connecting info is not printed to console | ||
console.clear | Clears the f1 console | ||
console.copy | Copies the contents of the F1 console to the clipboard | ||
debug.lookingat | Prints information about what the player is currently looking at | Yes | |
debug.lookingat_debug | Toggles debug stats to hover over what the player is currently looking at | Yes | |
debugcamera | Go into free camera mode | Yes | |
debugcamera_unfreeze | Freezes the debugcamera camera position allowing you to move your player around from a fixed viewing angle | Yes | |
decay.scale | Takes a float value that controls the multiplier for decay on the server | default is 1 | Yes |
decay.upkeep_grief_protection | Max minutes of upkeep the tool cupboard can consume after being destroyed to keep the base from decaying for that period of time | default is 1440 (24 hours) | Yes |
decay.upkeep_period_minutes | How many minutes does the upkeep cost last. Increase this value for upkeep to cost less | default is 1440 (24 hours) | Yes |
del | Takes the asset path of an asset/prefab and deletes all that are found on the server | Asset path can be found by looking at the desired asset/prefab, using debug.lookingat and then console.copy | Yes |
drink | Increases your thirst by the inputted amount | 250 | Yes |
eat | Increases your hunger by the inputted amount | 500 | Yes |
ent kill | Destroys the entity you're looking at | Yes | |
ent lock | Locks the entity you're looking at (codelocks, keylocks) | Yes | |
ent unlock | Unlocks the entity you're looking at (codelocks, keylocks) | Yes | |
ent who | Returns the Steam64ID of who placed this entity | Yes | |
env.progesstime true/false | Dictates whether time will continue or stay at the current hour forever | Yes | |
env.time 1-24 | Sets the time of day for the whole server | Yes | |
fillwater | Fills all water containers with freshwater in the player's inventory | Yes | |
find | Returns information on commands that match the inputted word | ||
fps | Returns current Frames Per Second. Can be used on client and server | ||
fps.limit | Used to set the limit of what FPS can become. Can set server fps limit when prefixed with "sv" | ||
gesture gestureName | Makes your player perform a gesture | wave/victory/shrug/thumbsup/chicken/hurry/whoa | |
god true/false | Puts you in god mode so you cannot receive any type of damage from the world and you do not lose hunger or thirst | Yes | |
gotosleep ID | Makes the player npc sleep | Input their ID (name above their head) | Yes |
hackablelockedcrate.requiredhackseconds | How many seconds should it take for locked crates (like at oilrig) to open once they've started to be hacked | default is 900 (15 minutes) | Yes |
headlerp_inertia true/false | Controls whether there is a delay for 'alt look' to snap back to the front facing position after no longer being pressed | ||
heal | Heals the player by the amount inputted | Yes | | | Starts the patrol helicopter server event | Yes | |
heli.calltome | Starts the patrol helicopter server event and summons the helicopter to the player | Yes | |
hurt | Hurts your player by the inputted amount | Yes | |
injure | wounds the player | Yes | |
kick Steam64ID/playerName <reason> | Kicks the player from the server with an optional reason, they can join back straight away | Yes | |
kill | Kills your player taking you to the respawn menu (same functionality as hitting "suicide" in the esc menu) | ||
killplayer Steam64ID/playerName | Kills the inputted player sending them back to the respawn screen | Use steam64ID for more accurate usage | Yes |
playerhelicopter.insidedecayminutes | How many minutes does a minicopter/attack/transport heli take to decay from full health when under a roof | default is 2880 (48 hours) | |
playerhelicopter.outsidedecayminutes | How many minutes does a minicopter/attack/transport heli take to decay from full health when outdoors | default is 480 (8 hours) | |
moderatorid Steam64ID | Makes the player the second highest admin auth level (1) | Yes | |
mute Steam64ID/playerName | Mutes the player locally if used without admin so you don't see their messages in chat. Mutes the player globally for the server if used as admin | Depending on local or global mute functionality | |
mutelist | Returns a list of players with an index that you have locally muted | ||
netgraph.enabled true/false | Toggles netgraph debug overlay that gives network information on entities - looks like white bars across the top of the screen. State is only updated whilst in a server | ||
noclip | Toggle noclip flight for the player | Yes | |
ownerid Steam64ID | Makes the player the highest admin auth level (2) | Yes | |
perf 0/1/2/3/4/5/6 | Sets performance data to show at the bottom left of your screen | 0 - Removes stats 1 - FPS 2 - + Frame latency 3 - + RAM usage 4 - + Ping 5 - + Invokes 6 - + Tasks |
ping | Returns your latency to the server | ||
playerlist | Returns connected player information in a JSON format | Yes | |
players | Returns players on the server with their Steam64ID, name, ping | Yes | |
printpos <Steam64ID> | Print your current coordinate position. Can be prefixed with "sv" to be able to input a player's Steam64ID and get their position | Getting another player's position requires admin | |
quit | Close the game to desktop. Can be prefixed with "sv" to save and close the server | Closing the server requires admin | |
refillvitals | Fills health, hunger and thirst to full | Yes | |
removemoderator Steam64ID | Removes the second highest admin auth level (1) from the player | Yes | |
removeowner Steam64ID | Removes the highest admin auth level (2) from the player | Yes | |
resetstate Steam64ID | Resets the given player's state, eg, if they are hostile to safezones | Yes | |
server.writecfg | Writes server convars/settings to the cfg files | Yes | |
sleep | Makes your player sleep | Yes | |
sleepingusers | Lists all players that are asleep on the server | Yes | |
spawn entity | Spawns an entity where the player is looking, if the entity name inputted is not found you are given choices | Yes | |
spawnitem item | Spawns an item where the player is looking, if the item name inputted is not found you are given choices | Yes | |
status | Returns players on the server with their Steam64ID, name, ping, time played, IP address | Yes | |
sv say message | Broadcasts a message to chat from the server | Yes | |
sv stats | Returns stats for the connected players alongside their Steam64ID and name. Time connected, kills, deaths, suicides | Yes | |
teleport playerName/Steam64ID <playerName/Steam64ID> | Teleport to the given player. If 2 players are inputted then this teleports the first player to the second | Use steam64ID for more accurate usage | Yes |
teleport2marker | Teleport to the marker you've set on the map | Yes | |
teleport2me playerName/Steam64ID | Teleport the given player to your position | Use steam64ID for more accurate usage | Yes |
teleport2owneditem playerName/Steam64ID | Teleport to an item the inputted player has placed | Use steam64ID for more accurate usage | Yes |
teleportany entity | Teleport to any entity type on the server | Yes | |
teleportlos | Teleports to the closest thing in the player's Line Of Sight (LOS) | Yes | |
teleportpos "x, y, z" | Teleport to this coordinate | Yes | |
unban Steam64ID | Unbans the banned player | Yes | |
unmute Steam64ID/index | Unmutes the player locally if used without admin, index of the muted player from the "mutelist" command can be used instead of steam64ID. Unmutes the player globally for the server if used as admin | Depending on local or global mute functionality | |
users | Returns players on the server with Steam64ID and names | Yes | |
version | Prints version and build info, shows server version when used for the server | ||
wakeupall | Wakes up all sleeping NPC players | Yes | |
weather.load | Loads a weather type, eg, weather.load clear | Yes | | | Prints the current weather stats for the server | Yes | |
world.rendermap | Saves a high resolution png file of the map | ||
writecfg | Writes settings and keybinds to the cfg files |
You can also check out Corrosionhour's command list