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<cat>Dev.Cinematic</cat> <title>Animations</title> <upload src="739b0/8d7b040e82e10b9.jpg" size="159767" name="rust-wiki_anims_header.jpg" /> # Cinematic Animation Commands These commands are currently a work in progress and mostly used internally for video specific projects. ## Play Animation Use the command `cinematic_play <anim name> <optional playername/id>` to trigger an animation. Use the following command to trigger a player cinematic animation: ⤶ `cinematic_play <anim name> <optional playername/id> <optional speed>`⤶ ⤶ A list of publically available cinematic animations can be found by using the [list command](/rust/Cinematic_Animations#animationlist).⤶ The optional player name/id parameter can be either a player or bot name. If no player name is parsed, the animation playback will be set to the player triggering the command. ⤶ A list of publically available cinematic animations can be found by using the [list command](/rust/Cinematic_Animations#animationlist). ⤶ The optional speed paramter will adjust the playback rate of the animation. `1.0` = 100%, `0.5` = 50%, etc. ## Stop Animation Use the command `cinematic_stop <optional playername/id>` to stop playback of a cinematic animation. The player animation will be returned to an idle state. Same as the [play command](/rust/Cinematic_Animations#playanimation), the stop command can either be assigned to a player or bot name. If no player name is parsed, the animation of the current player triggering the command will stop. <note>Both cinematic 'play' and 'stop' commands can be triggered during demo playback.</note> ## Animation List Use the command `cinematic_list` to print a list of all the available cinematic animation names and the total length for each animation. Below is a list of the current available animation names: + idle_stand + point + thumbsup + hat_tip + wave + preview_thirsty_all + preview_hurt_arm_all + preview_choking_all + preview_cold_all + preview_fatigued_all + skydiving_land + hat_tip ## Server Previewing Use the server convar `server.cinematic 1` to allow all players on the server to preview triggered cinematic animations. By default the player/administrator calling the `cinematic_play` command can only see the animations client side.