Revision Difference
<title>Other Commands</title>
Below are some other commands useful for cinematics and video content creation.
# Player Apperance
Use the commands below to modify the apperance of a player or NPC, either on a private server or demo.
## Player Seed
`playerseed <seed> <optional playername/id>` - Change the appearance of a player to a specific seed number.
If no player name is specified in the optional parameter, the apperance of the current player parsing the command will be changed to the specified seed number.
## Shuffle Player Seed
`shuffleplayerseed <optional playername/id>` - Shuffles the apperance of a player to a random seed number.
If no player name is specified in the optional parameter, the apperance of the current player parsing the command will be shuffled to a random seed number.
**Note:** The command will print the number of the new player seed; useful for noting player seeds for future reference.
# Time Manipulation
# Time & Weather Manipulation
Below are all client side commands, not server convars.⤶
## Admin Time
Use the command `admintime <time>` to set the time of day during demo playback - measured in 24hr time.
For example `admintime 12` will set the demo time to midday. `-1` will return the demo to it's original time.
`admintime <time>` - Override the time of day for the client, measured in 24hr time.
Useful during demo playback; For example `admintime 12` will set the demo time to midday. `-1` will return the demo to it's original recorded time.
**Note:** Time progression is disabled when setting a custom admin time.
## Admin Weather⤶
`adminclouds <0-1>` - Set the weather clouds amount for the client. `-1` will return to the server/demo value.⤶
`adminfog <0-1>` - Set the wind amount for the client. `-1` will return to the server/demo value.⤶
`adminwind <0-1>` - Set the fog amount for the client. `-1` will return to the server/demo value.⤶
`adminrain <0-1>` - Set the rain amount for the client. `-1` will return to the server/demo value.⤶
## Cloud Movement⤶
`env.cloudmovement <0/1>` - Enable/disable the movement of skydome clouds for the client.⤶
`env.cloudrotation <0-360>` - Offset the skydome clouds for the client with a rotation/degree value.⤶
# Additional Quality Options
The below commands are particularly useful for [demo playback](/rust/Demos) to ensure footage is captured at the highest fidelity.
## Tree Quality
Use the command `tree.quality <amount>` to increase or decrease tree render distance.
The max tree render distance is currently clamped at `1000`, which should provide good results for most cases.
## Grass Draw Distance
Use the command `grass.distance <amount>` to modify the render range for extras such as grass and small rocks.
The convar range is currently `100-200`. Default value is `100`.
## LOD Override
Use the command `lodbias 5` to increase the level of detail for entities in the game.
This will improve the graphics quality for some game objects at a distance - eg. players, deployables, buildings, etc.