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<cat>Dev.World</cat> <title>Utility Prefabs</title> <upload src="4b25c/8d885a37c7f2699.png" size="362548" name="rustmapping-title2.png" /> # Custom Monument Markers <upload src="4b25c/8d885a3a2e5597b.png" size="96405" name="MapMarkers.png" /> ``` assets/bundled/prefabs/modding/monument_marker.prefab ``` This prefab can be used to apply text onto the in-game "G" map to mark custom locations/monuments. ⤶ Displayed name is taken from the PrefabData "category" string. [Source]( ⤶ The displayed name is taken from the PrefabData "category" string. [Source]( [Map Editors](/rust/Map_Editors) can implement this feature by allowing the user to input the text into the monument_marker.prefab's category section within the [PrefabData](/rust/Map_Data#dataformat). # Softcore mode respawn points⤶ # Customize the Markers⤶ ⤶ Furthermore, by modifying the name of the map marker you can achieve customized effects such as text size, color, and more!⤶ Copy and Paste and modify as needed!⤶ ⤶ ## Large text⤶ ```⤶ <size=70>My Cool Monument</size>⤶ ```⤶ ## Medium Text⤶ ```⤶ <size=50>My Cool Monument</size>⤶ ```⤶ ## Default Size⤶ ```⤶ <size=20>My Cool Monument</size>⤶ ```⤶ You can also use other formats such as the ones below⤶ ⤶ ```⤶ <i>Italicized</i>⤶ ```⤶ ```⤶ <b>For bold text</b>⤶ ```⤶ ```⤶ <color=red>For Red Text</color>⤶ ```⤶ ⤶ ⤶ # Softcore mode respawn points⤶ In softcore mode players can respawn at Compound or Bandit Camp. These two respawn points are exposed to prefabs list and allows you to make custom safe zones compatible with Softcore-exclusive features. However, there are two important things to note: + You can't edit names for these respawn points. If you set "bandit camp" point, it'll display as "bandit camp" in-game as well. Same about Compound. + Players can't use these respawn points if they are marked as hostile. ## Bandit Camp respawn point: ``` assets/prefabs/gamemodes/softcore/staticrespawnzonebandit.prefab ``` ## Compound respawn point: ``` assets/prefabs/gamemodes/softcore/staticrespawnzonecompound.prefab ``` # Softcore Reclaim Point When dying on a softcore server, players lose only 50% of their inventory. They can reclaim other half of their items at Reclaim Terminal that are located in safe zones. (Compound/Bandit Camp by default) You can set up your own reclaim points wherever you want using this: `Reclaimterminal` - interactable object. Opens an UI with a large loot container with your items. `Reclaimcontainerstatic` - decorative item. Just a 3x3m red-tinted shipping container with a sign saying "Reclaim". `Reclaimsign` - decorative prop with "RECLAIM" painted on it. #Dropzone Invisible point that Chinook-47 will use as a location for dropping the locked crate. #Spawn Point Allows spawning players in the exact spot if your map doesn't have any appropriate spawn area or you want to make them spawn inside of a certain building or any other structure. If you want the game to determine spawn points naturally based on topology (Same as procedural maps) check out [Making a valid spawn area](/rust/Topology#makingavalidspawnarea "More details on Topology and spawn areas"). <warning>Spawn Points are broken and working only on first spawn – once you die, you will respawn in the corner of the map or on zero coordinates (0,0,0). This can be fixed with third-party plugins.</warning> #Community Prefab Toolkit [Community Prefab Toolkit]( provided by Lone.Design is a useful resource for anyone diving into the world of map making to easily have a canvas of prefabs to work with and choose from without having to sift through any lists! Information gathered provided by the [Rust Map Making]( & [Lone.Design]( community.