Revision Difference
<rustitem id="1711033574" shortname="">
<name>Bone Club</name>
<description>*A blunt weapon made from a femur. All around basic gathering tool.*
The Bone Club is a cheap, simple to craft melee weapon of the early game.
Despite its shortcomings, the Bone Club serves as an upgrade to the Rock, being better at both harvesting resources and fighting.
- Damage **12**
- Attack Rate: **86**
- Atteck Size: **0.2**
- Range: **1.5**
- Ore Gather: **4**
- Tree Gather: **9**
- Flesh Gather: **5**
<warning>Can't be Research with any Work benches or The [Research Table](research.table) in the Game!</warning>
- **20x** [Bone Fragments](bone.fragments)
- **10x** [Bone Fragments](bone.fragments)
<Note>Can't be Repaired</Note>
<note> No a Loot item!</note>
#NPC Shop
<note> No NPC Shop Sell that item!</note>
- Yes