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<cat>Play.Hosting</cat> <title>Server Browser Tags</title> # What are tags? Tags are additional bits of information that describe Rust servers. Up to three of them will be displayed on the Rust server browser and filtering will be supported one day. The following tags are defined: | Value | Title | |---------------|-----------------| | `monthly` | Monthly | | `biweekly` | Biweekly | | `weekly` | Weekly | | `vanilla` | Vanilla | | `pve` | PvE | | `roleplay` | Roleplay | | `creative` | Creative | | `hardcore` | Hardcore |⤶ | `softcore` | Softcore | | `minigame` | Minigame | | `training` | Combat Training | | `battlefield` | Battlefield | | `broyale` | Battle Royale | | `builds` | Build Server | # How do I add them to my server? Set the `server.tags` convar to the comma-separated tag values you wish to use from the table above. For example, if you want the Weekly, Vanilla, and Roleplay tags applied you would use `server.tags weekly,vanilla,roleplay`. Note that some tags invalidate each other or may be set by other convars. For example, `server.pve` will apply the PvE tag and you cannot apply both Monthly and Weekly on the same server.